ing an expert at something really pays off. Just how good are top performers compared to everybody else? Research shows in high complexity jobs like professional and sales roles, the top 10% produce 80% more than average and 700% more than the bottom 10%. But as I'm sure you're aware, becoming the best ain't easy. As Bobby Knight once said, "Everybody has the will to win; few people have the will to prepare to win." And one of the reasons why…
u drastically underestimate the power of touch. Actually, I'm wrong... The research says we're really big on touching -- our phones, that is. People touch their phones 85 times a day. But how many times a day do you touch someone else? Probably not nearly as often. That's kinda messed up, don't ya think? You need to touch people more. It will improve your life. Sound like Hallmark-Card-bumper-sticker-hippie-nonsense? Wrong. What happens when babies are deprived of touch? It can screw them up for life. As David…
u don't laugh enough. Yes, humor can improve your life. Not too surprising, you say? Here's the problem: you treat humor like a nice thing that happens, oh, whenever. But scientific research is showing giggles, guffaws and jokes are far too important to be left to chance. We're gonna learn the best ways to use humor to make you happier, healthier, more successful at work and even to improve your relationships. First, let's learn the neuroscience of why we laugh. Why are funny…
rkout motivation. You don't have any. You know exercise is good... and you still don’t do it. You're not alone. We all want a magic pill that makes us smarter, happier, and better looking. Good news is the magic pill is here. Bad news is it's exercise. Time to dump a bucket of solve on this problem and make you awesome. And we'll do it by listening to your favorite music, hanging out with friends and taking lessons from Seinfeld. Sound good?…
nt to know how to be productive? Create goals, make a plan and execute. We all know this is a good idea... and it never, ever seems to work. It’s like simplifying boxing down to “Just go into the ring and punch the other guy until he's knocked out.” Sounds easy. (Hint: it’s not that easy.) So let's ask a different question: what's stopping you from being productive? By fixing those things, we're well on our way to accomplishment. Whenever you're not getting…
at is your body language telling others about you? Last week I wrote about how to read other people (you can check that out here.) But being able to evaluate other people's body language just ain't real helpful if you're sending off all the wrong signals yourself. So let's get a better understanding of what you're unconsciously telling people and how to present a better you. We'll learn what body language can make you more influential, make you appear like a…
e'd all like to learn how to read people like Sherlock Holmes. And research shows understanding things like body language is even more powerful than you might think. MIT found that the outcome of negotiations could be predicted by body language alone 87% of the time. From The Charisma Myth: How Anyone…
fe would be a lot easier if we just knew how to make good decisions. Research shows we all make a lot of bad ones. With careers: More than half of teachers quit their jobs within four years. In fact, one study in Philadelphia schools found that a teacher was almost two times more likely to drop out than a student. In our jobs: A study showed that when doctors reckoned themselves “completely certain” about a diagnosis, they were wrong…
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