Category: Master The Workplace

Be Happier

This Is The Most Powerful Way To Make Your Life Fantastic

ast year Cal Newport convinced 1600 people to completely change their lives. He asked them to take a 30-day break from the optional technologies in their lives. Unless not using it would get you fired, divorced, or cause the people you love to spontaneously burst into flame, it was out.…

14 minutes
Be More Productive

How To Stop Wasting Time On The Internet

e all waste a lot of time on the internet these days. And due to mobile devices, we do it everywhere, not just at home. (In fact, right now there is enormous pressure on moi to make sure you feel reading this is productive and not just more time-wasting on…

11 minutes
Be Happier

How To Have More Energy: 3 Powerful Secrets From Research

he world might be all go-go-go but that doesn't mean we are... When Gallup researcher Tom Rath surveyed 10,000 people only 11% said they felt like they had a lot of energy. From Are You Fully Charged?: When we surveyed more than 10,000 people to see how they were doing across…

11 minutes
Be A Great Communicator

New Neuroscience Reveals 7 Secrets That Will Make You Persuasive

ou can painstakingly show somebody tons of bulletproof evidence and present flawless logical arguments but often they still won't change their mind. What gives? The problem is that the human brain is not a purely rational computer. And when we ignore that, even the best of efforts to convince others…

13 minutes
Be Happier

This Is How To Make Your Life Amazing

ou already know a lot of things you should do to improve your life. Where we often get stuck is knowing what's most important. What comes first. Where to start. Asking yourself these questions is: A) a powerful personal exercise, and B) a great way to provoke an existential crisis.…

14 minutes
Be Happier

How To Overcome Perfectionism: 4 Secrets From Research

e all know someone who needs everything to be "just right." Someone who spends way too long on even simple tasks – often driving themselves and others crazy in the process. Whether it's with work, with chores or in relationships, many of us have an area of life where we're…

13 minutes
Be A Great Communicator

This Is How To Deal With Passive Aggressive People

e’ve all dealt with it. The subtle manipulations. Always angling to get what they want, but still looking like a little angel. Making you feel like you're the problem or like you're crazy -- but you can never quite prove it... Then you read something about how to deal with…

11 minutes
Be Happier

4 Books That Will Show You How To Create The Best Morning Ritual

ating the same oatmeal every morning that Bill Gates does is not going to make you a billionaire. And even if the Dalai Lama started every day with a double bourbon and unfiltered Marlboros, that doesn't mean it's going to be your personal path to eternal wisdom. We do know…

6 minutes

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