Category: Master The Workplace

Be More Productive

This Is The #1 Ritual You Need To Do Every Day

Living a good life means managing your time. Problem is, we don’t understand time at all. Go ahead, explain time to me; I’ll wait. (Eric hums to himself and drums fingers on the tabletop.) Don’t blame yourself. To be fair, the nature of time has been a matter of some debate…

12 minutes
Be A Great Communicator

New Neuroscience Reveals 4 Secrets That Will Make You Emotionally Intelligent

None of them had died thus far. The raptors and trolls of the jungles of Zul’Gurub were simply no match for the group. And now the 20 elite Warlocks and Hunters descended into the dungeon. But their greatest enemy was ready for them… Hakkar the Soulflayer, a winged serpent, stood over…

14 minutes
Be More Productive

6 Things The Most Productive People Do Every Day

In case you are just recently visiting Earth, well, things have changed slightly since 2019. (For the record, I checked and 2020 has a “no refund” policy.) Yes, of course, I’m talking about working from home. In the span of roughly two weeks in March, the number of people in the…

14 minutes
Be Happier

This Is How To Overcome Impostor Syndrome: 4 Secrets From Research

Impostor Syndrome is like being a secret agent -- in the most depressing way imaginable. No matter how hard you work, no matter how much you achieve, you still feel like a fraud. You still question your ability and you're waiting to be exposed. More formally, it's often referred to as…

12 minutes
Be A Great Communicator

New Neuroscience Reveals 5 Secrets That Will Make You Emotionally Intelligent

How are you feeling? These days it seems like there are only two answers: "Fine" and "Busy." After all, if you did say everything that's on your mind, you'd get strange looks from that barista for the rest of your life. And it's no better at work, where the room for legitimate…

12 minutes
Live The Good Life

This Is How To Be Resilient: 4 Secrets To Grit When Life Gets Hard

"I quit" is rarely said flatly. Whether it's said to yourself or others, it's usually "I QUIT!" or "Ugh. I quit..." (cue *sad trombone*). And that's because quitting is rarely done at the height of rational deliberation. It's usually based on feelings in the moment. You feel fear, anger, anxiety, impatience or…

11 minutes
Be Happier

How To Stop Checking Your Phone: 4 Secrets From Research

If I told you we check our phones 5 billion times a minute you’d probably just shrug and agree. We've seen the shocking stats over and over and at this point no number would surprise us. But there's one study that haunts me... Here's what NYU professor Adam Alter told me: There’s a study…

12 minutes
Live The Good Life

11 Secrets That Will Make You More Secure On The Internet

acked accounts in the news. Endless robocalls. Online ads that eerily seem to read your mind. Do I hear Alexa and Siri gossiping about your secrets? It almost feels like paranoia is a totally appropriate reaction. In 2018 alone, data breaches exposed four-point-five billion records to hackers. Three months into…

15 minutes

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