Category: Have A Great Family

Have A Great Family

New Neuroscience Reveals 4 Secrets That Will Make Your Teenager Motivated

ying to motivate a teenager is like trying to push a boulder up a hill, except the boulder has a phone and keeps telling you that it will roll itself up the hill later, just give it a minute. So you remind them. They need to do their homework or their chores. This will get you The Teenage Sigh. This is no ordinary sigh. This is a long, theatrical exhale so weighty it could be used to measure atmospheric pressure.…

9 minutes
Have A Great Family

New Neuroscience Reveals 5 Rituals That Will Make You An Awesome Parent

e teen years. This is the age where one's room can simultaneously resemble a FEMA disaster site and a meticulously curated museum of personal angst, each discarded clothing item a testament to a fleeting mood or an identity crisis. What causes all the problems? The teenage brain. It’s a marvel of nature, a biological enigma wrapped in a riddle, encased in a skull that's often adorned with questionable hairstyle choices. But say a word about it and you’ll invoke an…

10 minutes
Have A Great Family

This Is How To Make Your Baby Smarter: 4 Secrets From Research

ing a new parent isn’t easy. Babies are essentially tiny, drunk roommates. They stumble around, they're loud at all the wrong hours, they throw up on you without a hint of remorse, and they don't pay rent. You'll find yourself considering the merits of just squirting puree directly onto the floor just to cut out the middleman. And this is all made more difficult by the fact that they can barely communicate. Babies come equipped with a range of sounds…

8 minutes
Have A Great Family

This Is The Emotionally Intelligent Way To Communicate With Kids

renting can feel like an inescapable theme park of chaos. Truth is, you're not simply a parent, but a negotiator, a janitor, a superhero, and the prime suspect in the mysterious case of the missing sanity. It's a job as exhausting as it is exhilarating, as thankless as it is rewarding. Little kids are certainly a challenge. They think mud is a food group and possess the lung capacity of a blue whale. To a small child, a closed bathroom…

9 minutes
Have A Great Family

Ancient Traditions Reveal 2 Rituals That Will Make You An Awesome Parent

’re often presented with an image of parenting that is a bit too perfect. Like a Norman Rockwell scene preserved in a snowglobe. But all too often parents wake up to realize they were cast in a reality show without their permission. The kids cause more problems in 4 minutes than I could get into in 4 years. You wonder if your genetics have spawned an unholy chimera of you and you partner’s worst traits. It gets to a point…

10 minutes
Be A Great Communicator

This Is How To Be An Emotionally Intelligent Parent: 4 Secrets

Your living room looks like a highlight reel from “Mad Max: Fury Road.” The little ones are screaming the hits from “Frozen” and the teenagers are teenaging all over the place. The whole house needs an exorcism. Keeping things under control seems like an endless game of whac-a-mole when you already…

12 minutes
Be More Productive

This Is The #1 Ritual You Need To Do Every Day

Living a good life means managing your time. Problem is, we don’t understand time at all. Go ahead, explain time to me; I’ll wait. (Eric hums to himself and drums fingers on the tabletop.) Don’t blame yourself. To be fair, the nature of time has been a matter of some debate…

12 minutes
Have A Great Family

New Neuroscience Reveals 5 Rituals That Will Make You An Awesome Parent

2020. Yeesh. I was starting to wonder if the reason we’ve never had time travelers visit us from the future was because humans just aren’t around that much longer. In the mind-frying insanity of the pandemic, it might seem like the most relevant parenting book is Cormac McCarthy’s “The Road.” But, truth…

12 minutes

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