know how skilled you are at something, you need to watch yourself, watch others and compare. If you don't have the experience (or the mental firepower) to do this effectively, your judgements won't be accurate. To oversimplify it a tad -- stupid people may be too stupid to realize they're stupid: Successful negotiation of everyday life would seem to require people to possess insight about deficiencies in their intellectual and social skills. However, people tend to be blissfully unaware of their…
verall, the more positive a person’s mood on a given day, the more creative thinking he did that day." There was even a carryover effect for the next two days after. Want to be more creative? Get happy. Via The Progress Principle: Using Small Wins to Ignite Joy, Engagement, and Creativity at Work: Our diary study revealed a definitive connection between positive emotion and creativity. We looked at specific emotions as well as overall mood (the aggregate of a person’s…
ted happiness researcher and author of The How of Happiness, Sonja Lyubomirsky, has created an iPhone app to help you widen that smile. It leverages iPhone features to assist users in engaging a number of happiness-boosting principles I've posted about in the past. I'll describe the app's five functions and link to more information on the techniques employed: "Thank": This encourages users to keep a gratitude journal and to email others to express gratitude. "Optimism": Here users have a place…
end more time outdoors. Nature has a myriad of incredible positive effects that have demonstrated by research: Being out in nature reduces stress. Nature walks or even looking at pictures of nature improves memory. Flowers increase romantic feelings. Nature can even make you a better person. Can't be bothered to step outside? Even a potted plant has been shown to improve attention span and increase creativity in an office environment. You might be inclined to discount this. I know that…
bsp; 1) Your "feared self." Via Brandwashed: Tricks Companies Use to Manipulate Our Minds and Persuade Us to Buy: In a surprising 2008 study, researchers at the University of Bath, UK, found that the fear of failure drives consumers far more than the promise of success; the latter oddly tends to paralyze us, while the former spurs us on (and pries open our wallets). In fact, as the study found, the most powerful persuader of all was giving consumers a…
ght now most people are unhappy with their jobs. A boring job can give you a heart attack. And those with no job are happier than those with a lousy one. Most people want to leave their jobs because they don't trust their employer. Know what the happiest and unhappiest jobs are and what motivates you. "...the strongest determinants of job satisfaction are relations with colleagues and supervisors, task diversity and job security." Job satisfaction isn't just about your job.…
's your friends. The people around you affect you far more than you believe. The Longevity Project, which studied over 1000 people from youth to death had this to say: The groups you associate with often determine the type of person you become. For people who want improved health, association with other healthy people is usually the strongest and most direct path of change. In The Start-up of You: Adapt to the Future, Invest in Yourself, and Transform Your Career,…
isn't biology so much as behavior. Acting masculine predicted a shorter life for men and women while being more feminine predicted a longer life for both. Masculine men tend to take more risks and pay less attention to their health and relationships. Via The Longevity Project: Surprising Discoveries for Health and Long Life from the Landmark Eight-Decade Study: The eye-opener in our findings was that the more masculine men and the more masculine women had an increased mortality risk,…
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