Category: Have A Great Family

Have A Great Family

How To Help Your Kids Find Their Calling In Life: 4 Secrets From Research

In prior centuries, life was simpler for young people. Not necessarily better, mind you, but definitely simpler. You knew where you were gonna live for the rest of your life, what you were gonna do and had a pretty good idea who you might marry. Meaning and purpose in life were…

12 minutes
Have A Great Family

This Is How To Make Your Kids Amazing: 4 Secrets From Research

Every parent wants their kid to do well in school. And it's simple to measure because GPAs and SATs have nice numbers that are easy to quantify and rank. On the other hand, we don’t have a universally accepted “emotional intelligence index” or a “decent human being metric” let alone a “this…

11 minutes
Have A Great Family

This Is How To Make Your Kids Successful: 4 Secrets From Research

ou want your kids to grow up and be more than just... older. You want them to be successful and fulfilled. But it’s a daunting challenge for a parent. Never mind that the price of 4 years of college looks like a phone number these days. You also get a…

12 minutes
Be A Great Communicator

3 Simple Rituals That Will Make You A Fantastic Parent

ou know how it goes. You want this little person to do the thing and they won’t do the thing and somehow zero-point-two-seconds later you're in the midst of a tear-filled screaming match in the hair care aisle at CVS. You start thinking about how your real kid may have…

12 minutes
Have A Great Family

New Neuroscience Reveals 9 Rituals That Will Make You An Amazing Parent

hen kids behave, things are easy. The problem is when you need to discipline them. Most parents know which methods they don't want to use to correct their children, but aren't as sure which methods they should use. So what is discipline? The word comes from the Latin "disciplina" --…

10 minutes
Have A Great Family

This Is How To Raise Emotionally Intelligent Kids: 5 Secrets From Research

ealing with kids ain’t easy. They need an exhausting amount of attention and help. From Raising An Emotionally Intelligent Child: Behavioral psychologists have observed that preschoolers typically demand that their caretakers deal with some kind of need or desire at an average rate of three times a minute. Most advice on…

12 minutes
Be A Great Communicator

This Is How To Easily Make Your Relationships Awesome: 4 Secrets

elationships are important. Like, more-important-than-Vitamin-C important. Scurvy is no fun but a lack of relationships might kill you faster. From The Relationship Cure: A study of people living in Alameda County, California, for example, showed that people who had close friendships and marriages lived longer than those who didn’t. This…

11 minutes
Become A Great Leader

This Is What The Best Teams And Families All Do: 3 Rituals From Research

hat makes a team effective? Is it trust? Cooperation? "Chemistry"? You have no idea. Don't worry -- neither did I. Kinda terrifying, isn't it? We're all part of friendships, work teams, and families and we don't really know what builds trust, unity, or makes a group effective. Luckily, one very…

8 minutes

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