question a lot of us are struggling with these days is "how to focus." Concentration seems hard. Why does everyone joke about having ADD? There's a reason... Ed Hallowell, former professor at Harvard Medical School and bestselling author of Driven to Distraction, says we have “culturally generated ADD.” Via CrazyBusy: Overstretched, Overbooked, and About to Snap! Strategies for Handling Your Fast- Paced Life: Having treated ADD since 1981, I began to see an upsurge in the mid-1990s in the number of…
's the problem we all face at the office: how to manage your time. You're so overwhelmed with meetings and email that you always wonder if you're really getting anything done. And often, you're not. But one expert has an answer to how to make sure you're getting ahead in your career while being less stressed and enjoying your work more. Cal Newport knows something about getting stuff done. In the decade after he graduated college he published 4 books, earned a PhD from…
ow what's really interesting? Learning how Navy SEALs build mental toughness to handle deadly situations. Know what else is really interesting? Learning how Olympic athletes deal with the pressure of competition when the entire world is watching. Know what's the most interesting of all? When you find out they do a lot of the same things. "Mental Links To Excellence" is a research study of what Olympians do to prepare for their big day. And so much of it lines up with what I learned researching…
anks to the internet, people are reading and writing more than ever. But is it me, or does it seem like the quality of that writing has gotten worse? However, this can be a good thing. These days, solid writing really stands out. It can be a competitive advantage in anything you do. Want to know how to improve your writing? Or have you ever thought about crafting the next great novel or screenplay? Want to know how to write like a pro? Me, too. So I called…
uldn't you like to know how to get smarter? Of course. I've looked at the science on the subject many times in the past and there are some simple methods -- like, believe it or not, exercise and even chewing gum. But is that really going to move the needle over the long haul? Research shows that IQ isn't all that valuable without a little discipline behind it. So what's going to really make a difference? Learning. Numerous studies have shown learning another language is good…
fe can be really difficult sometimes. We all deal with it. But how do top performers overcome challenges? And what can we learn from them? I figured I'd call an expert. Who knows about overcoming adversity? Special Forces. So I called Mike Kenny. Mike's a Special Forces Lieutenant Colonel with 22 years of service under his belt. For most of his career he was an 18 Alpha (Special Forces Officer) and is currently the Special Operations Forces liaison to the School of Advanced Military Studies. Most…
'd all like to be better at what is most important to us. Top athletes know the secrets to constant improvement but most of us don't hang out with gold medalists or top coaches and we're not familiar with the sports research. So I called a guy who is. David Epstein is the author of the New York Times bestseller The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance. It's an excellent read whether you're a sports fan or not…
all want success. And we'd like it fast. But we can only work so long and so hard. The more-more-more ethos only goes so far. What to do? I decided to ask someone who knows about this stuff: Shane Snow. Shane's the bestselling author of Smartcuts: How Hackers, Innovators, and Icons Accelerate Success. He did the research and looked at how people and companies achieve success quickly by trying new things, breaking the rules and taking shortcuts -- or, as Shane calls them, smartcuts.…
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