Category: Have Great Relationships

Be Sexier

Do people naturally turn their head to the right when kissing?

ssing behaviour was observed between kissing couples: about 80% turned their heads to the right to kiss. To remove the influence of one kissing partner upon the other, kissing behaviour was also observed between participants and a symmetrical doll's face: about 77% turned their heads to the right to kiss. There was no significant difference in handedness between right- and left-kissers: both groups were predominantly right-kissers. It is thought that motor bias rather than emotive bias influences kissing behaviour. Source:…

2 minutes
Be Sexier

Here’s How Porn Affects Men And Women’s Relationship Satisfaction

is study assessed how sexual media use by one or both members of a romantic dyad relates to relationship and sexual satisfaction. A total of 217 heterosexual couples completed an Internet survey that assessed sexual media use, relationship and sexual satisfaction, and demographic variables. Results revealed that a higher frequency of men's sexual media use related to negative satisfaction in men, while a higher frequency of women's sexual media use related to positive satisfaction in male partners. Reasons for sexual…

1 min read
Be A Great Negotiator

A quick and simple way to influence others:

is study reports the results of three field experiments which demonstrate that asking someone how they feel, having them verbally respond, and then acknowledging that response, facilitates compliance with a charitable request. The findings are discussed with respect to the influence of public commitments on behavioral consistency. Before you ask anyone for a donation, you first ask them how they're feeling. After they tell you they're feeling good, and you tell them you're glad they're feeling good, they'll be more…

1 min read
Have Great Relationships

Here’s how can you increase the chance people will like the gifts you give them:

ft wrap them: In four experiments, I examined the effects of gift wrapping on product attitudes. Two questions were addressed. First, does gift wrapping an item have a favorable influence on attitudes toward owning what is received? Results of all four experiments consistently support an affirmative answer to that question. Second, what explains the attitudinal results? I argued that gift wrapping, through repeated pairing with joyous events in people's lives, has utility in cuing a happy mood which, in turn,…

2 minutes
Be A Great Communicator

Do we think people with beards are more trustworthy?

is research analyses the effects of endorsers' beardedness (i.e., the state of being bearded) on their perceived credibility and consumers' purchase intention for various categories of products. According to Ohanian (1990), credibility is a construct with three sub-dimensions: attractiveness, the degree to which the source's physical appearance and/or its perceived personality is appealing; expertise, the extent to which the communicator is perceived as a source of valid assertions; and trustworthiness, the degree of confidence aroused in perceivers. Recent research has…

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Be Sexier

Do you change your voice when you talk to attractive people of the opposite sex?

th men and women deepen their voice when talking to someone they find attractive: We examined how individuals may change their voices when speaking to attractive versus unattractive individuals, and if it were possible for others to perceive these vocal changes. In addition, we examined if any concurrent physiological effects occurred when speaking with individuals who varied in physical attractiveness. We found that both sexes used a lower-pitched voice and showed a higher level of physiological arousal when speaking to…

1 min read
Be Sexier

Who enjoys their first kiss more: men or women?

..more men than women recalled experiencing positive affect both during and after their first kiss, and more women than men reported negative affect during and after the kiss." For many people, the very first kiss represents a significant life event, a developmental milestone that serves to usher them into the realm of sexual maturity and adulthood. Surprisingly, this important sexual event has received little systematic scientific attention. The goal of the present descriptive study was to examine the affective reactions…

2 minutes
Have A Great Family

Do parents buy healthier food for themselves or their kids?

ing a sample of 43 7–8-year olds and their parents, we examined the extent to which children's judgments about food products are influenced by the same factors as their parents'. The factors manipulated were healthiness of product, brand name familiarity, and use of licensed cartoon characters (children) or celebrity endorsers (parents). Brand name familiarity was a more important factor than familiar cartoon characters or celebrity endorsers on food product evaluations. Parents and girls but not boys rated healthy products higher…

1 min read

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