hieving work-life balance can look impossible. And, frankly, it seems like it's getting harder. In the ten years from 1986 to 1996 work-life balance was mentioned in the media 32 times. In 2007 alone it was mentioned 1674 times. Via The ONE Thing: A LexisNexis survey of the top 100 newspapers and magazines around the world shows a dramatic rise in the number of articles on the topic, from 32 in the decade from 1986 to 1996 to a high…
metimes your job can really be a grind -- but quitting isn't always a realistic option. So what can you do to become happier with the job you have? Here are four stories from the latest research that can make your job more meaningful and make you happier at the office. Change Your Job Description Cleaning the floors in a hospital isn't anyone's dream job. Emptying trash cans in patient rooms doesn't feel special or important. But what if you had…
ading a few books by samurai there was one thing I saw repeated again and again and again that surprised me. It has nothing to do with swords, fighting or strategy. Actually, quite the opposite when you think about it. What did so many of history's greatest warriors stress as key to success and optimal performance? "Being calm." And it wasn't one random samurai mentioning it off the cuff. We're talking about some of the greatest samurai who ever lived writing about…
riously: Just Two Words Seems like this should be a very short post, right? Here's the quick and dirty: The word "yes" leads to happiness. The word "no" leads to success. Here's why. For Happiness Say Yes "Yes" creates opportunity. Saying yes a lot makes more things happen. And research shows that lots of little good things are the path to happiness. Spending money on many little pleasures beats rare big positives. Via The Myths of Happiness: What Should Make You Happy, but…
s, It's This Simple Many of the fixes for our problems aren't complex -- something that's clear in the things I recommend people do every day. What's a scientifically validated way to get smarter, happier, healthier and calmer? Stop reading this right now and go for a walk. It's that simple. Here's why. Exercise Powers The Body -- And The Mind They used to say you don't grow new brain cells. They were wrong. Via Spark: The Revolutionary New Science…
% of what a team does ends up as "process loss." It's overhead that wouldn't exist if everything could be done by one person. Wasted effort. Obviously, many projects require teams. But how can you create, manage or be part of a team that is more efficient? I discussed the research behind great teams with Po Bronson, New York Times bestselling author of Top Dog: The Science of Winning and Losing. Here are 4 things that can make a big difference in…
is year I resolve to... Hold on a second. Let's not join the lemmings who screw this up every year. 88% of people fail to achieve their New Year's Resolutions. There is a ton of science on this subject so if we want to do New Year's Resolutions, let's do them right. First, Stop Fantasizing Do fantasies give you the energy to achieve your goals? Nope. Fantasies steal the energy you need to achieve your goals: Positive fantasies allow people to mentally…
ott Adams created a multimillion dollar empire. That empire is more commonly known as"Dilbert." I mentioned him on this blog before because he gave some of the simplest, most profound advice for getting along with people that I've ever heard: Be brief and say something positive. If you've read Dilbert, you know Adams understands a great deal about human nature. (Then again I probably relate more to Calvin and Hobbes than most of the western canon.) His new book, How…
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