s, It's This Simple Many of the fixes for our problems aren't complex -- something that's clear in the things I recommend people do every day. What's a scientifically validated way to get smarter, happier, healthier and calmer? Stop reading this right now and go for a walk. It's that simple. Here's why. Exercise Powers The Body -- And The Mind They used to say you don't grow new brain cells. They were wrong. Via Spark: The Revolutionary New Science…
ere's an overwhelming amount of happiness research. Forget incorporating it all into your life -- merely remembering it is daunting enough. I like to keep it simple: Remember the 4 P's. Purpose Perspective People Play Work those into every day and you'll be smiling more. Purpose This one gets short shrift in the modern era so we'll put it first. You don't need to live and die by the Bushido code but the best lives have purpose. Via The 100…
bsp; Where You Live Matters Via 100 Simple Secrets of Happy Families: People who are highly satisfied with their neighborhood are 25 percent more likely to be highly satisfied with their family life. -Toth, Brown, and Xu 2002 Open Communication Is A Must Via 100 Simple Secrets of Happy Families: The less open the communication between adults and children, the more pessimistic the children are likely to be and the less likely the children are to feel secure in their family relationship.…
is year I resolve to... Hold on a second. Let's not join the lemmings who screw this up every year. 88% of people fail to achieve their New Year's Resolutions. There is a ton of science on this subject so if we want to do New Year's Resolutions, let's do them right. First, Stop Fantasizing Do fantasies give you the energy to achieve your goals? Nope. Fantasies steal the energy you need to achieve your goals: Positive fantasies allow people to mentally…
lationships, Relationships, Relationships What happens when you look at the happiest people and scientifically analyze what they have in common? Researchers did just that. There was a clear answer to what differentiated these people from everyone else -- and it wasn't money, smarts, age, gender or race. It was strong social relationships. Via The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work: Turns out, there was one—and only one—characteristic that distinguished the happiest 10…
sy Busy Daily Rituals: How Artists Work, examines the work habits of over 150 of the greatest writers, artists and scientists. What did they all have in common? A relentless pace of work. Via Daily Rituals: How Artists Work “Sooner or later,” Pritchett writes, “the great men turn out to be all alike. They never stop working. They never lose a minute. It is very depressing.” What did Stanford professor Jeffrey Pfeffer find when he looked at high achievers like LBJ and Robert Moses? 60-65…
w To Work More Efficiently Use the Eisenhower Matrix. Via The Decision Book: 50 Models for Strategic Thinking: The US President Dwight D. Eisenhower supposedly once said: ‘The most urgent decisions are rarely the most important ones’. Eisenhower was considered a master of time management, i.e. he had the ability to do everything as and when it needed to be done. With the Eisenhower method, you will learn to distinguish between what is important and what is urgent. Whatever the job…
en Does "More" Finally Become "Enough"? You probably have far more now than you ever had in the past but you're probably not much happier. And, instinctively, we think the problem can still be fixed by more. More of whatever. More money. More food. More things. Generically, more. We're not even sure what we need more of, but whatever we have now sure as hell isn't doing it so turn it up to 11, Bertha. This isn't an anti-capitalist rant…
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