Why is it so hard to be happy all the time? Why can’t our lives be more like the joyous families in insurance commercials and less like the lives of people making insurance claims? So what does the research say can make us happier? Mindfulness. It comes from Buddhism but we…
ou want to be happy. Unfortunately, your brain is not always in a cooperating kind of mood. What gives? Honestly, happiness is not a helpful goal. Yeah, you heard me. It's too vague and abstract. Ask people to define happiness and you'll either get unhelpful, cliche answers or it will…
acked accounts in the news. Endless robocalls. Online ads that eerily seem to read your mind. Do I hear Alexa and Siri gossiping about your secrets? It almost feels like paranoia is a totally appropriate reaction. In 2018 alone, data breaches exposed four-point-five billion records to hackers. Three months into…
ast year Cal Newport convinced 1600 people to completely change their lives. He asked them to take a 30-day break from the optional technologies in their lives. Unless not using it would get you fired, divorced, or cause the people you love to spontaneously burst into flame, it was out.…
here are plenty of ways to make your life a little better. But making your life longer is trickier. Does any of that anti-aging stuff work? Let's ask an expert... Thomas T. Perls, M.D., M.P.H, is the director of the New England Centenarian Study, and an associate professor of medicine…
hat's the worst thing that's ever happened to you? Something that you still think about or still affects you to this day. Hold that thought, okay? Right now we need to do storytime with Uncle Eric: More than thirty years ago there was a guy named Jamie, his marriage was…
e all know a few people that treat causing grief like it's a career. It's as if your life is a video game and they were put here just to make finishing this level harder. These aren't simple jerks or someone having a bad day; these are folks with deep-seated…
e all waste a lot of time on the internet these days. And due to mobile devices, we do it everywhere, not just at home. (In fact, right now there is enormous pressure on moi to make sure you feel reading this is productive and not just more time-wasting on…
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