Category: Have A Great Family

Be Happier

This Is How To Create Happy Memories That Will Last A Lifetime: 3 Secrets From Research

our first kiss. Graduation. Your first job. Your wedding day. Birth of your first child. These are the big memories that we all cherish. But there are other little memories that stick out because they had such a powerful emotional impact on you. Moments that enriched your life, bonded you…

7 minutes
Have A Great Family

New Neuroscience Reveals 4 Rituals That Will Make You An Awesome Parent

very parent asks it at some point: What is going on in my kid's brain? And if you don't understand kids it can be hard to give them what they need to thrive. Lately the trend has been helicopter parenting and trying to get them ready as soon as possible for an…

11 minutes
Be Happier

Neuroscience Of Meditation: How To Make Your Mind Awesome

is meditation just another fad that pops up from time to time like bell-bottom jeans? Nope. Research shows it really helps you be healthier, happier and even improves your relationships. From The Mindful Brain: The MBSR program brought the ancient practice of mindfulness to individuals with a wide range of chronic medical conditions from back pain to psoriasis. Kabat-Zinn and colleagues, including his collaborator Richard Davidson at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, were ultimately able to demonstrate that…

11 minutes
Be A Great Communicator

Growth Mindset: How To Make Sure Your Kids Have Grit

at makes kids persist? What gives them the "grit" to keep working hard in school, to get good grades and ultimately be successful in life? A big contributor is having a "growth mindset." You may have heard about this before but many people don't understand it nearly as well as they think. To make sure you and I get it right I called Carol Dweck. She came up with the growth mindset idea. Carol is a professor at Stanford University and author of Mindset: The…

10 minutes
Have A Great Family

How To Be A Better Parent: 4 Secrets Backed By Research

ow to be a better parent" is discussed endlessly on the internet. But what we don't see enough of is research-backed advice that can make your kids both more ethical and more successful. And I don't mean "gets good grades" successful. I mean kids who go on to make a name for themselves with breakthroughs that help improve the world for everyone. Adam Grant is the youngest tenured professor at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and author of…

7 minutes
Be A Great Communicator

How To Be Charming: 2 Secrets Backed By Research

nt to know how to be charming? Ask yourself: What do you want in any friend or partner? Someone who is happy for you, wants the best for you and delights in your successes. Right? And research agrees: Being happy for people during their good times is more important than how we deal with the bad: What really makes couples bond? How they handle the good times, not the bad. What about conversations makes people like you? How you add to their good feelings in…

12 minutes
Be Happier

This Is The #1 Ritual You Need To Do Every Day

u read a lot on the internet about rituals that can help you be better in the morning or leap over tall building with a single bound. Maybe some celebrity does this one or that one. Yeah, wonderful. But what’s a simple solution customized for you -- yes, you -- that can make your happy moments happier, can help you overcome grief, increase your performance at work, and even stop procrastinating? The #1 ritual to do every day is: use more rituals. Confused? Science…

9 minutes
Be A Great Communicator

Out Of Control Kids: This Is The #1 Mistake Parents Make When Arguing With Kids

w do you deal with out of control kids? The authors of the bestseller How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk have some great ideas that can help any parent. It's really powerful, impressive advice. But here's the odd thing: reading the book, I could have swore I had seen similar ideas before. And I had... When I was interviewing and researching FBI hostage negotiators. No, your 9-year-old Jimmy probably isn't committing serious acts of violence (except maybe against…

10 minutes

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