at can we learn about human nature and the way the world works from reading history? This has been the territory of Robert Greene. He is the New York Times bestselling author of 48 Laws Of Power, The Art of Seduction, and Mastery, among other books. Combining the lessons of thousands of years, what do you learn about the fundamental subjects of seduction, power and mastery? I called Robert to find out. Seduction What's at the root of seduction? Surprise. Robert…
thing can improve your performance like solid feedback can. However, none of us likes being criticized, judged, or told what to do. And our first instinct is usually to ignore feedback or even do the opposite. I never said life was simple, folks. Dan Coyle, author of The Talent Code, and Cal Newport, author of So Good They Can’t Ignore You, both consider feedback essential to peak performance. Merely being the kind of person who seeks out feedback is linked to…
ere's A Right Way To Learn Want to be more successful? Actually, that's not ambitious enough -- want to be the best? I do. So I called my friend Daniel Coyle, author of the best books on getting better at anything: The Talent Code and The Little Book of Talent. Dan knows that the "10,000 hour rule" is nice but you need to align your effort with the way your brain was designed to learn. Hours are vital but you can get to mastery faster…
ading a few books by samurai there was one thing I saw repeated again and again and again that surprised me. It has nothing to do with swords, fighting or strategy. Actually, quite the opposite when you think about it. What did so many of history's greatest warriors stress as key to success and optimal performance? "Being calm." And it wasn't one random samurai mentioning it off the cuff. We're talking about some of the greatest samurai who ever lived writing about…
entors, mentors, mentors. Everyone's always talking about them but no one really seems to know how to get a good one. Thanks to the internet we have more information than ever -- but not any more wisdom. Contacting mentors is one of the things I think you should do every week.…
riously: Just Two Words Seems like this should be a very short post, right? Here's the quick and dirty: The word "yes" leads to happiness. The word "no" leads to success. Here's why. For Happiness Say Yes "Yes" creates opportunity. Saying yes a lot makes more things happen. And research shows that lots of little good things are the path to happiness. Spending money on many little pleasures beats rare big positives. Via The Myths of Happiness: What Should Make You Happy, but…
€™ve posted a lot about becoming the best in your field. Looking back, what are the most successful methods for getting there? 10,000 Hours Let's get the most famous one out of the way first: Hard work pays off. Malcolm Gladwell popularized the theory in Outliers: approximately 10,000 hours of deliberate practice at something can turn you into an expert. Via Ungifted: Intelligence Redefined: ...the most elite violinists accumulated about the same number of hours of deliberate practice (about 7,410 hours) by…
w To Work More Efficiently Use the Eisenhower Matrix. Via The Decision Book: 50 Models for Strategic Thinking: The US President Dwight D. Eisenhower supposedly once said: ‘The most urgent decisions are rarely the most important ones’. Eisenhower was considered a master of time management, i.e. he had the ability to do everything as and when it needed to be done. With the Eisenhower method, you will learn to distinguish between what is important and what is urgent. Whatever the job…
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