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Be Happier

Things you didn’t know about happiness:

w to make yourself happier in just a few seconds Does giving really make us happier than receiving? Are women getting unhappier? Malcolm Gladwell on spaghetti sauce and happiness (Video) Harvard professor Daniel Gilbert discusses the science of happiness United States Gross National Happiness, measured via Facebook Status Updates Is happiness contagious? Happiness expert Martin Seligman on positive psychology (Video) Are the chronically ill happier if they give up hope? Can working on something frustrating make us happier? Are hourly…

2 minutes

Are Facebook users happier single or in relationships?

cebook regularly analyzes the status updates of users to gauge their happiness. For Valentine's Day they also factored in relationship status: ...people who are in a relationship or marriage do seem to be happier than everyone else. People who are in a relationship seem less happy compared to married folks, but there is less variation in both positivity and negativity amongst married people. Married people, however, tend to be older, and we know from other studies that people do become…

1 min read
Miscellaneous Awesome

When it comes to politics, this is how shallow you are

like to blame politicians but the truth is, the way we go about picking our leaders is just as screwed up and disappointing. We all know "appearances matter" but oh-do-they-ever: We showed 10-second silent video clips of unfamiliar gubernatorial debates to a group of experimental participants and asked them to predict the election outcomes. The participants' predictions explain more than 20% of the variation in the actual two-party vote share across the 58 elections in our study, and their…

4 minutes

What does laughing a lot say about you?

u're probably not a very powerful person. Low power people laugh more: Two studies tested the hypothesis that occupying a position of low power increases the likelihood of laughter, presumably as a means of gaining friends and supporters. In Study 1, participants laughed more at an interviewer's jokes when the interviewer controlled their cash rewards than in the absence of monetary contingencies. Study 2 found that low-power participants (manipulated again by expecting that someone else would decide their cash rewards)…

1 min read

When does romantic involvement NOT reduce a man’s testosterone level?

en he's looking to cheat: Testosterone (T) appears to facilitate what biologists refer to as mating effort--the investment of time and energy into same-sex competition and mate-seeking behavior. Multiple studies show that men who are romantically involved (i.e., are paired) have lower T than single men, which may be due to a facultative adjustment by men of T levels in response to lower demands for mating effort. The authors proceeded on the basis of the idea that men who retain…

1 min read

Which weighs more—a pound of lead or a pound of feathers? (It’s trickier than you think):

ah, a pound is a pound -- but when hefted by blindfolded study participants the pound of lead even FELT heavier, leading scientists to believe the question is more nuanced than you might think: “Which weighs more—a pound of lead or a pound of feathers?'' The seemingly naive answer to the familiar riddle is the pound of lead. The correct answer, of course, is that they weigh the same amount. We investigated whether the naive answer to the riddle might…

1 min read
Be Sexier

8 Little Known Statistics On Sex And Relationships:

a Discovery: The average man’s ideal woman is 60lbs lighter than him. A woman will get chatted up in bar 6 minutes faster if she is wearing make up. Last year 21% of dates were organized via e-mail and 5% of relationships were ended by text. 98% of Americans have experienced unrequited love. Ladies don’t drink more than 1.5 glasses of wine more than your date – a turn off for most men. For every $5000 extra a woman earns over…

1 min read

Can you *never* eat and still feel full?:

ick question: A study shows that people who have certain types of amnesia (think Memento) will be unable to remember having a meal but this will not affect their ability to feel "full." So they may not be able to ever remember having a meal, yet have no desire to have one. That must be strange. However, the study shows these people can be more inclined to eat multiple meals since they don't actually remember having eaten recently: What is…

1 min read

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