televisions are plotting to overthrow their human masters and take their rightful place as rulers of the United States, it's time. A Nielsen study shows that there are now more TVs than people in America. In 2009, there were nearly 115 million TV homes in the US, each averaging 2.86 TV sets, according to a new Nielsen study. That computes to nearly 329 million TV sets — more than the entire US population, estimated at 307 million by the…
STS OF TRANSFERING 2,560 MP3s: TCP/IP: $1 TCP/SMS: $61,356,851.20 TCP/USPS: $307,072.00 (Bits written out on paper) So getting a SMS delivered is bit for bit 200x more expensive than getting a message hand delivered to your doorstep anywhere in the United States. What exactly justifies making SMS messages sixty one million times more expensive than ISP data and 200x more expensive than TCP/USPS? How come technology, communication, and infrastructure is getting cheaper while the costs of SMS messages are increasing…
ether you like or loathe the major music labels, they are in a situation where they can sharply restrict distribution models they don’t like. Whatever you think of that in normative terms, it doesn’t describe any strategy available to newspapers, because, unlike iTunes, news can’t escape competition for alternate models of distribution. Newspapers, even if every single one of them acted in collusion, cannot establish a monopoly on news. The main source of value for newspapers is reporting on events…
a Clay Shirky's book "Here Comes Everybody" is here. Join over 320,000 readers. Get a free weekly update via email here. Related posts: New Neuroscience Reveals 4 Rituals That Will Make You Happy New Harvard Research Reveals A Fun Way To Be More Successful How To Get People To Like You: 7 Ways From An FBI Behavior Expert
you're having trouble controlling that inbox, check this out. I'm a huge, huge believer in "Inbox Zero." Along the same lines, for being more productive I highly recommend the book Getting Things Done. It's a great companion to Inbox Zero. Join over 320,000 readers. Get a free weekly update via email here. Related posts: New Neuroscience Reveals 4 Rituals That Will Make You Happy New Harvard Research Reveals A Fun Way To Be More Successful How To Get People To Like…
e of the most important insights is that ratings change over time, as the graphs above suggest. For each movie, ratings increase over time—on average nearly 10% over 5 years. The best explanation for this phenomenon is that people are less discriminating when they rent new releases. To rent an older movie, they need more encouragement—some indication that they will like it—so these end up better matched to their tastes. via Join over 320,000 readers. Get a free weekly update…
is is the new world of promoting start-ups in Silicon Valley, where the lines between journalists and everyone else are blurring and the number of followers a pundit has on Twitter is sometimes viewed as more important than old metrics like the circulation of a newspaper. Gone are the days when snaring attention for start-ups in the Valley meant mentions in print and on television, or even spotlights on technology Web sites and blogs. Now P.R. gurus court influential voices…
ke it believable. Many marketing groups would never make a claim if they can't provide substantial evidence. How might Tourism Queensland prove that their job is the best in the world? They can't. But it is believable because it is a beautiful place and fits what many people's definition of a dream job might be. It's not about how much you spend. One of the major benefits of smart public relations and social media is that it scales in a…
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