bsp; Here are the things that are proven to make you happier What 6 rules should be guiding your career? 6 things that will make you more productive What does it take to become an expert at anything? 10 ways science can make *men* sexier How can you make your weekends more awesome? Cross your fingers and read this post - How to make yourself luckier 10 tips on the best time to accomplish anything How can you sleep like…
bsp; We send, and receive, a lot of email. Via The Tyranny of E-Mail: "In 2007, 35 trillion messages shot back and forth between the world's 1 billion PC's; in the time it took you to read this point, some 300 million e-mails were sent and received." "In 2006, one study found that the average U.S. office worker was interrupted eleven times an hour. The cost of these interruptions, in which e-mail plays a large role, runs close to $600…
u can't put your finger on it. You may not have anything in common. On paper it might seem you'd never be friends. But you just... "click." How does that work? Personally, I'm not one for flighty explanations like simpatico, serendipity, or soulmates. In Click: The Magic of Instant Connections Ori Brafman and Rom Brafman (authors of the interesting book Sway: The Irresistable Pull of Irrational Behavior) explore these phenomena and give some solid insights. They discuss a number of…
ow important is body language? 55% of what you convey when you speak comes from body language. In fact, when you're speaking about something emotional only about 7% of what the other person hears has to do with the words you use. More often than not you can tell what…
bsp; Harvard happiness expert Daniel Gilbert identified friends as one of the biggest sources of joy in our lives. Seeing friends and family regularly is worth an extra $97,265 a year: So, an individual who only sees his or her friends or relatives less than once a month to never at all would require around an extra £63,000 a year to be just as satisfied with life as an individual who sees his or her friends or relatives on most…
er at Forbes, Dorie Clark has a great piece that provides advice from the master of persuasion, Robert Cialdini, author of the must-read book Influence. So what two things can help you win over someone who doesn't like you? Here's what Cialdini had to say: 1. Give Honest Compliments. It may not be easy, especially if the person has been distancing themselves from you for a while. But if you’re objective, they probably have some qualities you admire. If you…
e WSJ has a good piece listing a few optimal times to do things. Some notable highlights: Best time to send emails you want read: 6AM. Best time for thinking: Late morning. Creative thinking: Creativity can be improved when we're tired so try brainstorming when daytime sleepiness peaks at around 2PM. Here are a few more I've posted in the past. Via Buy Ketchup in May and Fly at Noon: A Guide to the Best Time to Buy This, Do…
e head of American and NATO forces in Afghanistan has called it the Army's principal enemy. An argument has been made that PowerPoint's default style obscured essential information at NASA and may have been responsible for the 2003 space shuttle Columbia accident. It's been estimated that by cutting down on the time given to meetings and spent creating PowerPoint major companies could save $47 million dollars a year. Via How PowerPoint Makes You Stupid: The Faulty Causality, Sloppy Logic, Decontextualized…
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