Category: Be Sexier

Be Sexier

7 Science-Based Tips To Make You Sexier On Valentine’s Day

Definitely stare deep in their eyes Oliver Burkeman’s Help! How to be slightly happier and get a bit more done pointed me to evidence that staring into each other's eyes really does increase attraction: In two studies, subjects induced to exchange mutual unbroken gaze for 2 min with a stranger of the opposite sex reported increased feelings of passionate love for each other.   2) Still early in the relationship? Talk about travel, not movies. Via Quirkology: How We Discover the Big…

4 minutes
Be Sexier

Will eating healthier make you sexier?

ting 3.3 servings or more of fruits and vegetables made research subjects notably more attractive. Via LA Times: On average, a difference of about 2.9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day was enough for the students to discriminate on the basis of healthy appearance, with more servings associated with looking healthier. Similarly, about 3.3 servings a day was enough for them to discriminate on the basis of attractiveness — with more servings associated with better looks. (A caveat: One…

1 min read
Be Sexier

Do clever pick-up lines really work?

men prefer innocuous opening lines vs direct or clever lines. Men prefer women to be direct. Via Scott Barry Kaufman: In the '80s, Chris Kleinke and colleagues analyzed the effectiveness of 100  pick-up lines across a number of different settings, including bars, supermarkets, restaurants, laundromats, and beaches. They found three main categories of openers: direct gambits, which are honest and get right to the point (e.g, "I'm sort of shy, but I'd like to get to know you"), innocuous gambits, which hide a person's true…

1 min read
Be Sexier

10 Things Your Hair Says About You, According To Research

ientific research has shown that: We can't be sure if blondes have more fun but they do make more money, raise more money and gentlemen do prefer them. Being well-groomed is correlated with better grades. Good grooming is associated with higher wages for men but not women. And if you're ugly and underpaid, guys, definitely shave. Women who remove their pubic hair have better sexual function. A number of factors go in to whether a girl is attracted to men…

1 min read
Be Happier

The Simple Thing That Can Dramatically Improve Your Life

end more time outdoors. Nature has a myriad of incredible positive effects that have demonstrated by research: Being out in nature reduces stress. Nature walks or even looking at pictures of nature improves memory. Flowers increase romantic feelings. Nature can even make you a better person. Can't be bothered to step outside? Even a potted plant has been shown to improve attention span and increase creativity in an office environment. You might be inclined to discount this. I know that…

1 min read
Be Sexier

How To Feel Attractive

rious how to feel attractive? Have a drink. Or just think you're having a drink: This research examines the role of alcohol consumption on self-perceived attractiveness. Study 1, carried out in a barroom (N= 19), showed that the more alcoholic drinks customers consumed, the more attractive they thought they were. In Study 2, 94 non-student participants in a bogus taste-test study were given either an alcoholic beverage (target BAL [blood alcohol level]= 0.10 g/100 ml) or a non-alcoholic beverage, with…

1 min read
Be Sexier

How different are the bodies of female movie stars, pornstars, healthy women, and average women?

a A Billion Wicked Thoughts: What the World's Largest Experiment Reveals about Human Desire: We analyzed the average BMI and weight of 202 popular American porn actresses under age thirty. In addition, psychologists Martin Voracek and Maryanne Fisher analyzed the bodies of mainstream European porn actresses. The following table compares the BMI and weights of these porn stars with other women. Join over 262,000 readers. Get a free weekly update via email here. Related posts: An easy way for women to be…

1 min read
Be A Great Communicator

Here’s What Your Voice Tells Others About You

ople judge you by your voice in many ways. Via Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior: The result: speakers with higher-pitched voices were judged to be less truthful, less emphatic, less potent, and more nervous than speakers with lower-pitched voices. Also, slower-talking speakers were judged to be less truthful, less persuasive, and more passive than people who spoke more quickly. “Fast-talking” may be a cliché description of a sleazy salesman, but chances are, a little speedup will make…

2 minutes

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