Category: Be Sexier

Be Happier

Take A Nap! 5 Secrets That’ll Make You Happier And Smarter

r many of us, more hours of shut-eye at night just doesn't seem to be in the cards. Is there anything we can do? Yes. Naps. Wonderful, glorious naps. They're not a full-on substitute for lack of sleep but they can do much more than you think and in less time than you'd guess. Without them, you're going to be a mess. Here's why.   Wanna Be Dumb And Ugly? Lack of sleep not only makes you ugly and sick, it…

5 minutes
Be A Great Communicator

Seduction, Power and Mastery: 3 Lessons From History’s Greatest Minds

at can we learn about human nature and the way the world works from reading history? This has been the territory of Robert Greene. He is the New York Times bestselling author of 48 Laws Of Power, The Art of Seduction, and Mastery, among other books. Combining the lessons of thousands of years, what do you learn about the fundamental subjects of seduction, power and mastery? I called Robert to find out. Seduction What's at the root of seduction? Surprise. Robert…

6 minutes
Be A Great Communicator

How To Be Cool: 5 Research-Backed Tips

o Hasn't Wanted To Be Cool? We've all wanted to be cool. But research shows that it's not merely a shallow desire. Cool makes a difference in life. For instance, charismatic leaders bring out people's best. Via The Charisma Myth: How Anyone Can Master the Art and Science of Personal Magnetism: If you’re a leader, or aspire to be one, charisma matters. It gives you a competitive advantage in attracting and retaining the very best talent. It makes people want to…

5 minutes
Be Sexier

Where To Find Love — Or Lust

en readers email me about the research behind relationships and sex the most common question is always the same: Where? Where should they meet that special someone? Bars? Online? Through friends? Book clubs? Terrorist cells? Religious cults...? What works? Yes, science has info. But the answers depend on what you're looking for.   Looking For Love Want to settle down? Ask a family member if they know anyone. People meet all kinds of partners through friends. But you're far more likely to…

6 minutes
Be Sexier

Science Of Sexy: 5 Things That Can Make You Irresistible

mor Is Sexy Humor is attractive to men and women -- but not in the same way. The research shows women like men who make them laugh, and men like women who laugh at their jokes. Via Mating Intelligence Unleashed: The Role of the Mind in Sex, Dating, and Love: Recent research suggests that while both men and women say they like a "good sense of humor" in a potential mate, they differ in what they mean by this phrase. Women…

6 minutes
Be Sexier

How To Flirt — Backed By Scientific Research

es Flirting Actually Work? Very much so. In fact, research says it's more effective than looking good. Signaling availability and interest trumps attractiveness. Via How to Make Someone Fall in Love With You in 90 Minutes or Less: Dr. Monica Moore, a psychologist at Webster University in St. Louis, has conducted research on the flirting techniques used in singles bars, shopping malls, and places young people go to meet each other. She concluded that it's not the most physically appealing people…

4 minutes
Be Sexier

First Date Conversation: 5 things research says you should talk about

rst date conversation can be awkward. What do you talk about? How can you come across well? Science has answers.   1) Talk Travel, Not Movies In a study by Richard Wiseman, less than 9% of couples that talked movies wanted a second date vs 18% of couples that talked about travel. Via Quirkology: How We Discover the Big Truths in Small Things. When talking about movies, less than 9 percent of the pairs wanted to meet up again, compared to 18…

3 minutes
Be Sexier

Science Of Sex: 4 Harsh Truths About Dating And Mating

make the best decisions, we cannot delude ourselves. I've posted many studies offering hope and inspiration but to be honest and fair, we also need to look at facts about people many like to deny. And that's where the science of sex comes in. If you wish to retain illusions that the realm of sex and relationships is pure as the driven snow or that outside of physical dimensions there are no fundamental differences between men and women, turn…

4 minutes

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