tentions change how we experience things. Kindness does soothe pain and increase pleasure. Via Eurekalert: A nurse's tender loving care really does ease the pain of a medical procedure, and grandma's cookies really do taste better, if we perceive them to be made with love - suggests newly published research by a University of Maryland psychologist. The findings have many real-world applications, including in medicine, relationships, parenting and business. "The way we read another persons intentions changes our physical experience…
me-dropping doesn't work. Flattery and mimicry do. Trying to seem smart makes you seem stupid. What you say about others says more about you. Mistrust is self-fulfilling. Expect that others will like you and they probably will. Join over 135,000 readers. Get a free weekly update via email here. Related posts: How To Make Your Life Better By Sending Five Simple Emails How To Stop Being Lazy And Get More Done – 5 Expert Tips New Harvard Research Reveals A Fun Way…
. The exact opposite seems more likely to be true -- we look at our friends tastes to figure out what not to like. Via Boston Globe: One of the great things about our new, socially networked world is that it expands out tastes -- supposedly. In theory, seeing what our friends like should help us discover new music, movies, and books. In reality, it doesn't work that way: A new study from Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet and Society…
happy marriage. Married people were 2.5 times more likely to be alive 15 years after a coronary bypass. Happily married people were 3.2 times as likely to still be around: Objective: To examine the effects of marital status and marital satisfaction on survival after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Methods: Participants were 225 people who had CABG between 1987 and 1990. Marital status at the time of surgery and marital satisfaction 1 year after surgery were used to predict…
nscientiousness was the trait most associated with long, happy marriages: In this study of 125 heterosexual long-wed couples, we examined both spouses' personality traits and relative differences in partner perceptions of personality as predictors of marital satisfaction, simultaneously for both husbands and wives. As hypothesized, each of the Big Five personality traits emerged as significantly associated with marital satisfaction though significant between-trait and between-sex differences were observed. Most notably, trait levels predicted marital satisfaction less consistently than positive reporting discrepancies…
at was associated with sexual satisfaction? young age a sexually unreserved and a nonreligious childhood home early start of sexual life high education sexual assertiveness considering sexuality important in life reciprocal feeling of love use of sex materials frequent intercourse many-sided (versatile) sexual technique frequent orgasm Also interesting: women who started having sex at younger ages enjoyed it more. (Hat tip: Andy McKenzie): Comparisons of nationally representative survey data of the population ages 18–54 years in 1971 (N = 2252)…
st people cheat just enough to get an edge but not so much that they feel like a bad person. Subtly making them aware their own morality can nudge them back to being good: Via APS: The program began with a lively talk about dishonest decisions by Dan Ariely of Duke University, the popular behavioral economist and author of Predictably Irrational, who is as comfortable dropping jokes as he is delivering research findings. Ariely and his colleagues found that, given…
e political and religious correlates of sexual behavior in a sample of 344 German university students are presented and discussed within a framework of traditional ideology stifling sexual choice and expression. More-intense religious belief was found to be associated with fewer or no sex partners, with diminished likelihood of oral sex experience, with less frequent masturbation (in women), and with less ability to imagine having homosexual relations (among women who had no history of homosexual activity). Left-wing political views were…
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