Category: Have Great Relationships

Be A Great Communicator

Checklist: Are you doing these 5 things to be more charismatic?

arisma makes a difference. It doesn't just make us like people more, charismatic leaders bring out our best and make us do better work. Via The Charisma Myth: How Anyone Can Master the Art and Science of Personal Magnetism: Research shows that those following charismatic leaders perform better, experience their work as more meaningful, and have more trust in their leaders than those following effective but noncharismatic leaders. As Wharton School business professor Robert House notes, charismatic leaders “cause followers to…

4 minutes
Be Sexier

Who is feeling loved today?

onomists Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers have an interesting piece over at Bloomberg breaking down who feels loved using Gallup data from 136 countries. Are you a middle-aged, cohabitating, female American? Then you might be feeling pretty warm and fuzzy right now: On a typical day, about 70 percent of people worldwide reported a love-filled day. In the U.S., 81 percent felt love, as did 81 percent of Canadians and 79 percent of Italians. Germany and the U.K. were less…

2 minutes
Be Sexier

7 Science-Based Tips To Make You Sexier On Valentine’s Day

Definitely stare deep in their eyes Oliver Burkeman’s Help! How to be slightly happier and get a bit more done pointed me to evidence that staring into each other's eyes really does increase attraction: In two studies, subjects induced to exchange mutual unbroken gaze for 2 min with a stranger of the opposite sex reported increased feelings of passionate love for each other.   2) Still early in the relationship? Talk about travel, not movies. Via Quirkology: How We Discover the Big…

4 minutes
Be Happier

Five Simple Things That Will Make Your Life Better

bsp; 1) Want to be happy? It's more about perspective than anything else. Write down three good things that happen to you every day. Via Flourish: A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-being: Every night for the next week, set aside ten minutes before you go to sleep. Write down three things that went well today and why they went well. You may use a journal or your computer to write about the events, but it is important that you…

3 minutes
Be A Great Communicator

Here’s The Secret To Communicating With Irrational, Angry Or Crazy People

all have to deal with our share of hotheads and crazies. What does research say works with them? First off, you can't get angry too. Because then there are two crazy people arguing. While very entertaining to onlookers, this doesn't accomplish much. Tell yourself they are having a bad day and that it’s not about you: Telling yourself that an angry person is just having a bad day and that it’s not about you can help take the sting…

4 minutes
Be A Great Communicator

10 Videos Guaranteed To Inspire You

bsp; 1) How to be happier Harvard professor Shawn Achor is the author of the wonderful book The Happiness Advantage.   2) Is it better to come in first... or third? Malcolm Gladwell is the author of the bestsellers Blink, Outliers and The Tipping Point.   3) Why do we lie? And why do we lie to ourselves? Great interview with Dan Ariely, author of Predictably Irrational and The Honest Truth About Dishonesty: How We Lie to Everyone---Especially Ourselves.   4) What’s it take to free…

2 minutes
Become A Great Leader

6 Secrets Of Top Performing Work Teams

n't just throw the best people together. How members get along is far more important than their capacities as individuals.   What makes for smart teams? It’s not average IQ. It’s social skills. From MIT: A new study published in Science  found that three factors were significantly correlated with a group’s collective intelligence — in other words, its ability to perform a variety of tasks collectively, from solving puzzles to negotiating. The three factors are: the average social sensitivity of the members of the group, the extent to which…

5 minutes
Be A Great Communicator

5 Secrets To Clicking With People

w can you make a good first impression? First impressions matter even more than you think. They’re the most important part of any job interview. And once they’re set, they are very hard to resist. Most advice on the subject is defensive, just telling you how to not offend. How can you strategically make a good impression? From the outset, frame the conversation with a few well-rehearsed sentences regarding how you want to be perceived. This will end up being the structure the other…

4 minutes

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