rst date conversation can be awkward. What do you talk about? How can you come across well? Science has answers. 1) Talk Travel, Not Movies In a study by Richard Wiseman, less than 9% of couples that talked movies wanted a second date vs 18% of couples that talked about travel. Via Quirkology: How We Discover the Big Truths in Small Things. When talking about movies, less than 9 percent of the pairs wanted to meet up again, compared to 18…
make the best decisions, we cannot delude ourselves. I've posted many studies offering hope and inspiration but to be honest and fair, we also need to look at facts about people many like to deny. And that's where the science of sex comes in. If you wish to retain illusions that the realm of sex and relationships is pure as the driven snow or that outside of physical dimensions there are no fundamental differences between men and women, turn…
at is important in life? Let's check with three groups who know about how to value a life: Insurance adjusters: Want some harsh truths about human nature? These guys will show you the dark side of evaluating lives when deciding how to pay out in wrongful death cases. Economists: Valuing things is their bread and butter. We can get some data-rich answers here. Old people: You're guessing what the rest of your life is worth. They've already finished the race.…
hat Does Science Say About How To Be A Good Kisser? Regular readers might be saying "What the hell is this, Cosmo Magazine?" In all fairness, how to be a good kisser is something no one really gets instruction in. Yet, it can be a huge part of one's personal life and…
ich is the machine? Computers are getting smarter and smarter. You've probably heard of the Turing test, where the object is to create a piece of software that can fool a person into thinking they're dealing with another person. Imagine IM'ing and not realizing the guy on the other side is not a guy at all. The Loebner Prize is a Turing test competition done every year to determine the software best able to fool human judges. Want to hear…
at are the fundamentals of conversation skills? I've posted about the fundamentals of networking, and even how introverts can network but many people have written to me asking about the nitty gritty of conversation skills. What do you say when you're face to face? It's a good question that isn't often addressed. First impressions matter even more than you think. And once they’re set, they are very hard to resist. Let's break it down: 1) "Be yourself" is often bad advice. Is…
w to make your life better? All you need is email. I've covered a lot of research on how to make your life better but many people struggle with implementing changes because it seems like a major undertaking. It doesn't have to be. You can make strides in 5 fundamental areas by just sending 5 emails. HAPPINESS Every morning send a friend, family member or co-worker an email to say thanks for something. Might sound silly but it's actually…
en researchers asked people to tell the stories of how they fell in love, what were the eleven most common factors? Via Falling in Love: Why We Choose the Lovers We Choose: Variables That Influence Falling in Love 1. Similarity in attitudes, background, personality traits 2. Geographic proximity 3. Desirable characteristics of personality and appearance 4. Reciprocal affection, the fact that the other likes us 5. Satisfying needs 6. Physical and emotional arousal 7. Social influences, norms, and the approval…
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