very parent asks it at some point: What is going on in my kid's brain? And if you don't understand kids it can be hard to give them what they need to thrive. Lately the trend has been helicopter parenting and trying to get them ready as soon as possible for an…
ur mind races. Your palms sweat. The words don't come out of your mouth right, if they come at all. We've all been there at one time or another. And some of us get it worse than others, and more frequently. Social anxiety. Nobody wants to look stupid or be embarrassed. But since it's not like your life is on the line, why is social fear so bad? There's an answer... While it's hard to remember what a broken arm feels like, it's…
know what some people are thinking: I'm never going to deal with psychopaths. This is just more sensational clickbait junk. Wrong. The experts are betting you probably encounter a psychopath every day. In fact, a lot of what you think you know about psychopaths is very wrong. Yes, psychopaths are…
u don't want to fight. You don't want to be hassled. You don't want to disappoint them. It's easier to just nod and give them what they want. But later you feel frustrated, trapped and depressed because you're not getting what you need and you spend all your time serving others. Ever felt this way? We all have. For some of us it's compartmentalized: you're a warrior at work but a worrier at home. Or it's the reverse: you rule the…
is meditation just another fad that pops up from time to time like bell-bottom jeans? Nope. Research shows it really helps you be healthier, happier and even improves your relationships. From The Mindful Brain: The MBSR program brought the ancient practice of mindfulness to individuals with a wide range of chronic medical conditions from back pain to psoriasis. Kabat-Zinn and colleagues, including his collaborator Richard Davidson at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, were ultimately able to demonstrate that…
u drastically underestimate the power of touch. Actually, I'm wrong... The research says we're really big on touching -- our phones, that is. People touch their phones 85 times a day. But how many times a day do you touch someone else? Probably not nearly as often. That's kinda messed up, don't ya think? You need to touch people more. It will improve your life. Sound like Hallmark-Card-bumper-sticker-hippie-nonsense? Wrong. What happens when babies are deprived of touch? It can screw them up for life. As David…
u don't laugh enough. Yes, humor can improve your life. Not too surprising, you say? Here's the problem: you treat humor like a nice thing that happens, oh, whenever. But scientific research is showing giggles, guffaws and jokes are far too important to be left to chance. We're gonna learn the best ways to use humor to make you happier, healthier, more successful at work and even to improve your relationships. First, let's learn the neuroscience of why we laugh. Why are funny…
rkout motivation. You don't have any. You know exercise is good... and you still don’t do it. You're not alone. We all want a magic pill that makes us smarter, happier, and better looking. Good news is the magic pill is here. Bad news is it's exercise. Time to dump a bucket of solve on this problem and make you awesome. And we'll do it by listening to your favorite music, hanging out with friends and taking lessons from Seinfeld. Sound good?…
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