Category: Be Happier

Live The Good Life

This Is The Most Fun Way To Make Your Life Awesome

“The internet is making smart people smarter and dumb people dumber.” That’s writer Kevin Drum. On the surface it would seem that the internet should be making us all smarter, right?. The world’s information is just a Google search away. But what happened when Carnegie Mellon researchers studied the effects of…

11 minutes
Be More Productive

4 Things The Most Organized People Do Every Day

In 1930, famed economist John Maynard Keynes predicted that within a century nobody would work more than 15 hours a week… Yeah, I’m giggling too. He didn’t take into account that human desires just never level off. There’s always a shiny new thing to buy and always new Joneses to keep…

11 minutes
Be Happier

This Is How To Never Be Bored Again: 4 Secrets From Research

Fixing the plumbing on a toilet is far from exciting. But Chris didn’t mind... But that’s probably because he was in outer space. It’s not a stretch to assume common household chores take on another level of interestingness when you’re on a space station. And so Chris Hadfield, the first Canadian…

12 minutes
Live The Good Life

This Is How To Have A Long Awesome Life: 5 Secrets From Research

Head out to the Inyo National Forest in California and you’ll see plenty of bristlecone pine trees. There’s one in particular worth noting. It’s aptly named “Methuselah.” As of 2021, that tree is at least 4,853 years old. Methuselah was there when woolly mammoths were still wandering around. It calls the…

12 minutes
Be Happier

The Lazy Way To An Awesome Life: 4 Secrets Backed By Research

Whether it’s UFOs or Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk, we’re hearing a lot about space travel these days. But they seem to gloss over one thing: a lot about spaceflight sucks. Send me an angry email if you like but it’s undeniable. Being isolated in an unimaginably cramped living space, weird…

12 minutes
Live The Good Life

How To Be Resilient: 4 Steps To Success When Life Gets Hard

The World Health Organization says that Icelandic guys are the longest living men on the planet. They make it to 81.2-years-old, beating the world average by 13.2 years. But it’s not because of their lifestyle. Their obesity rates hover around the global average and their activity levels are nothing to write home…

12 minutes
Live The Good Life

This Is The Most Fun Way To Make Your Life Awesome

There’s a little-known group of people who live really good lives. Studies show they’re happier. They have more friends. They’re more successful. Accomplished and warm, they’re solid parents and community members. They live purposeful, meaningful lives. What’s really interesting is that their circumstances vary enormously. Some are rich, some are poor.…

13 minutes
Be More Productive

This Is How To Quit Bad Habits Without Willpower: 4 Secrets From Neuroscience

Why do we do the things we do? Aristotle said everything we do was in service of happiness. We weigh the options and pick the thing that is likely to make us happiest… Boy, was Aristotle wrong. Your brain just does not work like that. How many times a day do…

12 minutes

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