Category: Be Happier

Live The Good Life

How To Be Resilient: 5 Steps To Success When Life Gets Hard

We always hear one thing about stress: it’s bad. I haven’t checked recently but I think that’s in the Constitution. Fortunately, stress is not that simple. Researchers asked 30,000 adults how much stress they felt in the past year – and whether or not they thought stress was a negative. Eight…

11 minutes
Be Happier

This Is How To Overcome Regret: 5 Secrets From Research

There’s a study you may have heard about. Researchers showed subjects videos of Olympic athletes standing on the podium being awarded their medals. The subjects didn’t see the actual competition, and they didn’t know who got gold, silver or bronze. They just saw the athletes’ faces -- and had to evaluate…

12 minutes
Have Great Relationships

This Is How To Have Emotionally Intelligent Relationships: 4 Secrets From Research

We all have social situations where we consistently stumble. At certain times, or in certain contexts, often while under stress -- we blow it. And we just don’t know why. We lash out, cling, blame, or withdraw and it hurts our relationships. We try to be better… but then it happens…

11 minutes
Be Happier

This Is The #1 Ritual You Need To Do Every Day

"Third year of the pandemic" used to be a phrase reserved for science fiction novels. Maddeningly, COVID may be going from historical “event” to “era.” I don’t blame you if your optimism has stretch marks and you’re feeling phantom pain where your hope used to be. We’re all wishing life would…

11 minutes
Live The Good Life

The Lazy Way To An Awesome Life: 4 Secrets Backed By Research

u can reach a point in life where you think, “I am never going to achieve what I thought I would.” Yeah, dark, but far from uncommon. You’re not where you expected to be. There’s a sense of needing to make up for lost time -- but it seems there’s less time than ever. Life has gone from feeling like an epic unfurling adventure to a sterile bureaucratic treadmill. Endless deadening responsibilities, but there’s no longer a narrative…

12 minutes
Be Happier

This Is The Most Surprising Way To Make Your Life Awesome

What if you could be someone else? Not a totally different person. But what if you could be a better version of you? You 2.0. We’d all like to change something about ourselves. (The phrase “character defects” exists for a reason.) Being less stressed and more organized might be nice. But…

12 minutes
Be A Great Negotiator

How To Be Resilient: 4 Steps To Happiness When Life Gets Hard

The pandemic still isn’t over. Life still isn’t back to normal. And that means a lot of us are still on edge. Frustrated. Disgruntled. At times, we’re downright angry. And that saps our resilience. Our ability to cope and live a good life. Dealing with anger is difficult because, frankly, we…

10 minutes
Be Happier

How to Be Happier Without Really Trying

The meeting was supposed to be boring. In 2019 a bunch of academics and think tank policy folks were gathered for what should have been an uneventful conference of long-winded PowerPoint and bad coffee. Sadly, it would not stay that dull and predictable… The presenter finishes his talk. A colleague comments…

11 minutes

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