Category: Be Happier

Be Happier

Are narcissists happier?

ung narcissists might be: Previous studies have noted that narcissists do, in some cases, experience benefits. The current study adds to this discussion by examining whether age might moderate the links between narcissism and a self-reported benefit (life satisfaction) and an observer-reported benefit (observer ratings of personality). In a sample of college students and their family members (N = 807), the authors demonstrate that narcissism positively correlates with life satisfaction for adolescents and emerging adults, but not for adult participants. In…

1 min read
Be Happier

How is it that prayer helps you — even if you’re an atheist?

m not religious, so this is not an attempt to convert anyone. A few months ago I posted from an abstract showing that the act of prayer can be beneficial -- even if you don't believe. Why is that? A new study gives some good insight: Many individuals use prayer to manage negative emotions, but scholars know little about how prayer accomplishes this task. Using in-depth interview data from victims of intimate partner violence, I argue that prayer is an imaginary social support…

1 min read
Live The Good Life

Is there a way to trick yourself into exercising more?

o studies demonstrated that leading individuals to mentally reframe the time required for an exercise program (e.g., 2 hr per week) in terms of the equivalent daily amount (e.g., 17 min per day) reduced the perceived time commitment and increased people's willingness to try the program. Study 2 also identified a cognitive mechanism that mediated the effect of temporal framing on exercise intentions. Consistent with findings in other domains (Gourville, 1998), reframing exercise duration in daily units led participants to retrieve comparison activities…

1 min read
Be Happier

Should “carpe diem” be our motto?

u will not have more time next week, and, as a very interesting New York Times piece explains, we never seem to remember that fact: There is never enough time or money; this much we all know. Yet a new study finds that when people estimate how much of each they will have in the future, they are consistently more likely to overestimate their time than their dollars. Dr. Gal Zauberman of the University of North Carolina and Dr. John Lynch of…

3 minutes
Be Happier

Here’s A Safe, Over-The-Counter Way To Treat Anxiety

a Elsevier Mental Health: Consuming more fish oil seems to significantly ease anxiety and inflammation among healthy young people... Half the students received omega-3 supplements while the other half were given placebo pills. Those receiving the omega-3 showed a 20 percent reduction in anxiety compared to the placebo group. Scientific studies have shown fish oil has a number of positive effects. The type I use is here. Join over 151,000 readers. Get a free weekly update via email here. Related posts: Read this if you are…

1 min read
Be More Productive

What are proven tips that will help you achieve your goals?

rst, here's what doesn't work: By comparing the techniques of successful and unsuccessful resolution makers, he came up with a list of tips for staying the course when making changes in one's life. People who failed tended to dwell on the ''bad things'' that would happen if they did not achieve their goal, said the professor. They were likely to remove temptation from their surroundings, adopt role models, fantasise about being successful, and rely on will power. ''Many of these ideas are frequently…

2 minutes
Be Happier

Is optimism associated with better health?

positive outlook on life might lower your risk of having a stroke, according to new research reported in Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association. In an observational study, a nationally representative group of 6,044 adults over age 50 rated their optimism levels on a 16-point scale. Each point increase in optimism corresponded to a 9 percent decrease in acute stroke risk over a two-year follow-up period.. "Our work suggests that people who expect the best things in life actively…

1 min read
Live The Good Life

The Most Wonderful Way To Reduce Your Chance Of Getting Prostate Cancer

ve lots of orgasms: Context  Sexual activity has been hypothesized to play a role in the development of prostate cancer, but epidemiological data are virtually limited to case-control studies, which may be prone to bias because recall among individuals with prostate cancer could be distorted as a consequence of prostate malignancy or ongoing therapy. Objective  To examine the association between ejaculation frequency, which includes sexual intercourse, nocturnal emission, and masturbation and risk of prostate cancer. Design, Setting, and Participants  Prospective study using follow-up…

2 minutes

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