at do millionaires do differently? Are they harder workers? Do they have brains that can bend spoons? Do they exhibit Bond Villain levels of cunning? For their books The Millionaire Next Door and The Millionaire Mind the authors surveyed over 700 millionaires to find out. 80% were self-made, accruing all their wealth in one generation. And they were doing a number of things you and I probably aren't. Here are a few patterns the researchers saw: 1) Most Millionaires Are Self-Employed Got a great idea for a business?…
all want to know how to get respect. Research shows respect is key to both your love life and your career. But it's difficult. Others size you up very quickly. For instance, people evaluate how attractive you are in 13 milliseconds. Yes, milliseconds. And first impressions matter more than you think. They’re the most important part of any job interview. And once set, they're hard to change. So how do you get respect? Let’s look at the research and see what works --…
er been really stressed? So stressed you nearly freak out? This happened to Dan Harris... in front of 5 million people. On June 7th, 2004, Dan was a news correspondent on ABC and he had a panic attack on air while reading the news: He knew he had to do something. His career was in jeopardy. By coincidence, he was soon assigned to cover stories about religion. This set Dan on a multi-year quest talking to people of faith -- and…
mily life is hectic. Most of us play it by ear and hope it works out well. Or maybe you haven’t started a family yet but when you do you want to do it right. Aren’t there some legit answers out there about what creates the happiest families? Yes, there are. To get the facts I called Bruce Feiler, author of the New York Times bestseller, The Secrets of Happy Families. When writing his book, Bruce knew there were answers already out…
general, people have an overly positive vision of themselves and their abilities. But what's the one thing surveys show most everyone will admit they have a problem with? Self-control. And who is most likely to give in to temptation? Ironically, it's the people who think they have the most willpower. Via The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do To Get More of It: Research shows that people who think they have the most willpower are actually the…
tick with it!" "Be resilient!" "Never give up!" I see a lot of stuff about resilience, persistence and grit. What I don't see is a lot of legitimate info on how to actually increase those qualities. How can we be more resilient? How can we shrug off huge challenges in life, persist and -- in the end -- succeed? So I looked at the most difficult scenarios for insight. (Who needs resilience in easy situations, right?) When life and death is on the line,…
see an endless stream of one-off studies in the news. This makes you healthy. Wait, no, it doesn't. Oh hold on, yes, it does. Um, no, no it doesn't... Unless we can somehow put them all into perspective, these little dribs and drabs of knowledge really aren't much more than trivia. What happens when you study entire lives? When you check in on big groups of people again and again for decades? What do you learn about what makes a good…
iversity of California professor Sonja Lyubomirsky details the things research shows the happiest people have in common. Via The How of Happiness: They devote a great amount of time to their family and friends, nurturing and enjoying those relationships. They are comfortable expressing gratitude for all they have. They are often the first to offer helping hands to coworkers and passersby. They practice optimism when imagining their futures. They savor life’s pleasures and try to live in the present moment. They…
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