Category: Be Happier

Have Great Friends

This Is How To Make Emotionally Intelligent Friendships: 6 Secrets

e all want good, close friends. Problem is, while high school sure had gym class, it didn't have "Emotional Intelligence 101." So what part of emotional intelligence is critical for friendships? Emotional intimacy. From Breaking the Male Code: Unlocking the Power of Friendship: Sociologist Ray Pahl states that friendships today are based…

11 minutes
Be Happier

Stoicism Reveals 4 Rituals That Will Make You Confident

ver feel like you're not good enough? Something bad happens and your brain plays a YouTube highlight reel of every mistake you've ever made. Your confidence crashes and your self-esteem flatlines. You're not alone. People have been feeling like this as long as there have been people. It's an old…

9 minutes
Be Happier

This Is How To Use Mindfulness To Make Better Decisions

lot of the time you know what the smart thing to do is. But you're still worried about how it might turn out. Or regrets about a past decision are making you overthink things. Your brain is telling you all kinds of negative stories about how stuff might go…

7 minutes
Be Happier

This Is The Fun Way To A Meaningful Life: 3 Secrets Backed By Research

ometimes we all feel anxious. Sometimes lonely or disconnected. Sometimes unhappy, and maybe even a little crazy. You know what might fix all of this? Would you believe me if I said... a war? From Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging: The positive effects of war on mental health were first noticed…

9 minutes
Have Great Friends

These Are The 8 Friends You Need To Be Happy In Life

o your friends sometimes disappoint you? Ever feel like there is something missing in your relationships?  You're not alone. Tom Rath and the Gallup organization discovered something interesting: the vast majority of the time, no one pal offers you everything you need from your relationships. Some of your friends are…

13 minutes
Be Happier

This Is How To Create Happy Memories That Will Last A Lifetime: 3 Secrets From Research

our first kiss. Graduation. Your first job. Your wedding day. Birth of your first child. These are the big memories that we all cherish. But there are other little memories that stick out because they had such a powerful emotional impact on you. Moments that enriched your life, bonded you…

7 minutes
Live The Good Life

New Neuroscience Reveals 2 Rituals That Will Make You More Mindful

ou want to get to work but instead you surf the internet. You want to diet but instead you eat enough candy to give an entire 2nd grade classroom type 2 diabetes. Why? You might think you lack self-control. Or that you make bad decisions. But none of these explanations…

10 minutes
Be Happier

New Neuroscience Reveals 3 Secrets That Will Make You Emotionally Intelligent

otional Intelligence. It's everywhere. They won't shut up about it. And yet nobody seems to be able to explain what it really means or how you develop it. Face it: you don't even know what an emotion is. Most people would say an emotion is a feeling. And what's a feeling? Umm... an emotion? Yeah, nice work there, Captain Circular. And it turns out the latest research shows that the little we know about emotions is actually all wrong. And…

10 minutes

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