all want an awesome life. And very often you know what you need to do to improve it... but you don't do it. I don't blame you. Hey, some of that stuff is hard. (I should know. I write about it all the time.) Isn’t there an easy, passive way where your flaws start correcting themselves, you gain respectable goals and become much, much happier? Well, at least in theory, there just might be. I called somebody to find out. Nicholas Christakis, MD, PhD, MPH,…
ver had a run of bad luck? It feels like the world is actively conspiring against you. Ever wonder if you can improve your luck? And I don't mean with voodoo or magic crystals. Turns out somebody has done scientific research on luck. So I gave him a call. Richard Wiseman…
all deal with fear of rejection. Jia Jiang did too. But he overcame it... thanks to a box of donuts. He explains how this happened in his wonderful book, Rejection Proof: How I Beat Fear and Became Invincible Through 100 Days of Rejection. His dream was to be an entrepreneur -- and that means a lot of rejection. So how could he beat the fear? By turning it into a game. For 100 days he made ridiculous requests of strangers, expecting to get rejected.…
er have trouble getting to sleep? Or staying asleep? Or you get plenty of shut-eye but you're not refreshed? Everyone wants to get better sleep. But sleep trouble is incredibly common. And feeling tired the next day isn't the half of it. By not getting enough sleep you're reducing your IQ. Via Brain Rules: 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School: Take an A student used to scoring in the top 10 percent of virtually anything she does.…
u've probably read a lot of stuff on the internet about how to find happiness... but you're still not jumping for joy. Some of the tips feel corny... so you don't actually do them. Others stop working after a while so you stop following through. What gives? Isn't there a solution that really works and keeps working? I'm with you. I want answers. Who has them? Sonja does. So I gave her a call. Sonja Lyubomirsky is a professor at University of California at…
ar is... really scary, actually. Research shows being afraid you're going to lose your job can be worse than actually losing your job: “…perceived job insecurity ranks as one of the most important factors in employees’ well-being and can be even more harmful than actual job loss with subsequent unemployment.” In a number of surveys, fear of speaking in public ranks higher than fear of death. Jerry Seinfeld interpreted this as meaning that at a funeral, more people would rather be in the…
m Kreider got stabbed in the throat. The knife went in two millimeters from his carotid artery. He describes those two millimeters as the difference between being “flown home in the cargo hold instead of in coach.” Luckily, he made a full recovery. How does he describe the event? "It was one of the best things that ever happened to me." He was so grateful to be alive that for the next year, it was impossible for him to be unhappy. Via We Learn Nothing:…
er feel like you can't turn your brain off? Worried about how to stop worrying? We all deal with this when life gets challenging. There is a way to overcome worry that doesn't involve alcohol or a straitjacket. The answer is thousands of years old -- but now science is validating those ancient ideas. You've probably even heard of it: Mindfulness. Yeah, it's all the rage now. But nobody ever seems to really explain what it is or how to do it. Let's fix that.…
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