Category: Live The Good Life

Have Great Relationships

How To Stop Feeling Guilty, 5 Secrets Backed By Research

ou did something bad. And now you feel terrible. But the feeling won't go away. It gnaws at you. Even worse, it makes you feel like you're a bad person. Nobody tells us how to deal with this. There certainly weren't any classes on it in high school. But one expert…

11 minutes
Have An Awesome Marriage

How To Make Love Last: 3 Secrets Backed By Research

e beginning of a relationship is amazing. But often, it starts to fizzle out later on... The things you used to love about them start to annoy you. They don't listen. They don't seem interested in meeting your needs. It doesn't feel reciprocal anymore. What's the problem here? We all want to know how to make love last. Aaron Beck is one of the heavyweights of psychology and he has a very interesting perspective on why things go wrong in relationships. Everybody talks…

9 minutes
Be Happier

This Is The #1 Ritual You Need To Do Every Day

u read a lot on the internet about rituals that can help you be better in the morning or leap over tall building with a single bound. Maybe some celebrity does this one or that one. Yeah, wonderful. But what’s a simple solution customized for you -- yes, you -- that can make your happy moments happier, can help you overcome grief, increase your performance at work, and even stop procrastinating? The #1 ritual to do every day is: use more rituals. Confused? Science…

9 minutes
Be A Great Communicator

How To Get Rid Of Anger: 3 New Secrets From Neuroscience

ey're one inch from your face, boiling with rage, screaming and yelling at you. And all you want to do is scream and yell back. But you know that's not going to be good for anyone... I've talked before about how to deal with others who are angry and irrational, but how can you control those emotions in yourself? Looking at the neuroscience, there's a right way and a wrong way to do it. So let's dig into the research on how to…

8 minutes
Be Happier

Impostor Syndrome: Why You Feel Like A Fraud And How To Overcome It

u don't belong here. You're not good enough. You got lucky. They're going to realize you aren't that smart. Ever heard this voice in your head? You're far from alone. It's called "impostor syndrome." More than 70% of successful people have felt it at one point. Via The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women: Why Capable People Suffer from the Impostor Syndrome and How to Thrive in Spite of It: In a study of successful people by psychologist Gail Matthews, a…

10 minutes
Be Happier

New Neuroscience Reveals 4 Rituals That Will Make You Happy

ou get all kinds of happiness advice on the internet from people who don't know what they're talking about. Don't trust them. Actually, don't trust me either. Trust neuroscientists. They study that gray blob in your head all day and have learned a lot about what truly will make you happy.…

10 minutes
Be A Great Communicator

Power of Empathy: 3 Ways Empathy Can Improve Your Life

es it ever feel like people are all self-absorbed jerks? Like they're not listening? Only in it for themselves? You're not crazy. Empathy is declining. Via Empathy: Why It Matters, and How to Get It: A recent study at the University of Michigan revealed a dramatic decline in empathy levels among young Americans between 1980 and today, with the steepest drop being in the last ten years. The shift, say researchers, is in part due to more people living alone…

11 minutes
Live The Good Life

Secrets To Success: 6 Tips From The Most Successful People

at are the secrets to success? Well, successful people work hard. But you work hard too, right? And if you keep working harder and harder you're just going to be miserable. So what's the answer? Successful people don't just work hard, they also work different. So let's see what you and I can learn from extremely successful people who achieve big things -- and hear some really cool stories in the process. And since we're talking about big accomplishments, it only makes sense that…

13 minutes

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