e all know someone who needs everything to be "just right." Someone who spends way too long on even simple tasks – often driving themselves and others crazy in the process. Whether it's with work, with chores or in relationships, many of us have an area of life where we're…
veryone wants to know what the next great investment is. But that's the wrong question. If you want to make money over the long haul, picking investments isn’t the real problem. When studies compare how well investments perform to how well investors perform there's always a gap. Investors almost invariably…
e all worry. At one point or another, almost one-third of people have dealt with a level of anxiety that would qualify as a disorder. From The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook for Anxiety: ...a survey of almost ten thousand people across the United States found that with the exception…
ating the same oatmeal every morning that Bill Gates does is not going to make you a billionaire. And even if the Dalai Lama started every day with a double bourbon and unfiltered Marlboros, that doesn't mean it's going to be your personal path to eternal wisdom. We do know…
hy is it that whenever someone says, "face the facts" you know you're about to hear something you don't want to hear? Probably because of a second cliche: "The truth hurts." Nobody recommends denial -- but nobody recommends procrastination, either. And we're all prone to both. Denial is existential procrastination.…
ou and I are not the first people to wonder, “How can I live a happier, more fulfilling life?" Not by a long shot. Stoicism and Buddhism are both a few thousand years old and I write about them a fair amount because both have core elements that have been…
sychological research shows people overestimate themselves in nearly every arena -- including modesty. Which raises an interesting question... What's the one thing almost everyone will cop to being utterly dismal at? Self-control. From Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength: Ask people to name their greatest personal strengths, and they’ll often credit themselves with…
ometimes life sucks. Bad. Really bad. And you feel like you want a refund. But, of course, we need to accept that Life Avenue is going to have its share of potholes. Albert Ellis, one of the most influential psychologists ever, knew that "acceptance" is key to coping with the…
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