u can reach a point where your job makes you feel completely embalmed. Your favorite horror movie is everyday life. It would be an interesting dilemma if there wasn’t so much to be uninterested in. You need a career transition. If it’s any consolation, a lot of people are dealing with this right now. There’s been a lot of discussion lately about “quiet quitting.” (Plenty of loud quitting too.) After the two most collectively stressful years in modern history, people…
me days everything seems to be outside your comfort zone. A bit of anxiety is part of the modern world. Worry about that presentation at work, worry about the kids at home, worry about what’s on the news… worry, worry worry. Worst-case scenarios ping pong around in the echo chamber of your skull. Your brain is like a close friend who keeps trying to kill you. You can try to think your way out of this but, if you’re an…
u’re dropped off in the middle of a forest with nothing but the clothes on your back. You’re going to need to live off the land to survive. (Hope you paid attention during all those Bear Grylls episodes.) Oh, and you’re being hunted. Dangerous people are trying to capture you. You know: your average Sunday. And even if you do manage to survive this, the next phase is even worse. You’re caught, blindfolded, and locked in a cell. Music blasts…
metimes it feels like all you do during adulthood is accumulate pounds and passwords. Inflation is so bad right now that quarters cost 50 cents but that’s not the only thing that’s inflating. Many of us have gained the COVID-19 pounds. In 1960, one in seven US adults was obese. By 2010, that reached one in three. And childhood obesity has quintupled. We can contrive all sorts of unscientific voluptuous rationalizations for why this has occurred but the science is…
had been a wonderful day. Now he was going for his usual 4-mile walk. What made today special was his grown children had come home. They hadn’t all been together in six months. And there was even a new member of the family: his first grandchild. Three months old and adorable. He mused about how wonderful it all was… And that’s when the car hit him. He was thrown 14 feet and landed in a ditch. He was going…
e fact that they fell in love was, on the surface, ridiculous. She was a leading researcher on love. He was the leading researcher on loneliness. And yet it happened. Ironic? Poetic? Probably both. Steph was at a boring academic lecture. The guy next to her whispered in her ear: “If I start snoring, punch me.” She giggled. The man seated to her other side was already dozing. Steph whispered back: “He’s snoring. Do you want me to punch him,…
e old maxim says that with others you should just “be yourself.” But is that really true? In researching my new book, Plays Well With Others, I went down the rabbit hole to see whether it’s accurate -- and also what we can do to be our best selves. (Never be ashamed of who you are... that's your parents' job.) In the excerpt below we’re going to learn a dead simple way to become more of the person you want to…
ere’s a lot of pseudoscience out there offering fake answers on how to be healthier and happier. They’re like cubic zirconia; they only look real -- and typically have a Magic 8-Ball level of scientific effectiveness. On this blog I typically attack those things with Occam’s Razor – heck, I use all of Occam’s toilet kit. (I firmly believe the only time crystals heal you is when you’re sodium deficient.) But in researching my new book, Plays Well With Others,…
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