hat's the worst thing that's ever happened to you? Something that you still think about or still affects you to this day. Hold that thought, okay? Right now we need to do storytime with Uncle Eric: More than thirty years ago there was a guy named Jamie, his marriage was…
e all know a few people that treat causing grief like it's a career. It's as if your life is a video game and they were put here just to make finishing this level harder. These aren't simple jerks or someone having a bad day; these are folks with deep-seated…
e all waste a lot of time on the internet these days. And due to mobile devices, we do it everywhere, not just at home. (In fact, right now there is enormous pressure on moi to make sure you feel reading this is productive and not just more time-wasting on…
ou have a long list of things you know you should be doing regularly... But for some reason, you just don't do them. What's the deal? The solution is building habits. Doing hard things isn't hard if you're on autopilot. But how do we make building habits simple and painless?…
he world might be all go-go-go but that doesn't mean we are... When Gallup researcher Tom Rath surveyed 10,000 people only 11% said they felt like they had a lot of energy. From Are You Fully Charged?: When we surveyed more than 10,000 people to see how they were doing across…
ou already know a lot of things you should do to improve your life. Where we often get stuck is knowing what's most important. What comes first. Where to start. Asking yourself these questions is: A) a powerful personal exercise, and B) a great way to provoke an existential crisis.…
ou want to be good. But then you get that craving. That emotional pull toward something you said you weren't going to do. You feel yourself headed toward that bad habit... But you valiantly fight back with willpower. Restraint. White-knuckling it. You floor the emotional brake pedal... Annnnnnd that rarely…
here's a lot of good advice on how to be happier or more productive or how to have better relationships. But tips on how to improve your whole life -- something that will last decades and experience countless unpredictable changes -- those should be regarded with extreme skepticism. The only…
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