Welcome to the loneliness resources page for Plays Well With Others.
I’m glad you came here. You are not alone.
The CDC has some tips for dealing with loneliness here.
Also worth noting: on the left side of that page is a button for the PDF version. If you scroll to the second page of that document, it has phone numbers and contact information for mental health services if you need them.
Recommendations from the National Institutes of Health are here.
These were written as part of the National Institute on Aging, so they’re focused on the elderly — but they seem useful for anyone.
As I mentioned in the book, loneliness isn’t just about lack of time with other people — it’s also about not feeling meaningfully connected to others. Spending time with others is great — but I also encourage you to deepen the relationships you may already have. More tips on that here.
I hope this helps,
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