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Be Happier

This Is How To Spend Your Money To Maximize Happiness

ney can't buy happiness? Please. We all know that's just something rich people say to stop us from robbing them. Money might not buy lasting, profound joy, but it can undoubtedly rent some pretty good times. We all fantasize about the kind of happiness that comes with six zeroes, a gated community and a butler to iron your money for you. Even if vast wealth doesn’t buy happiness, it’s better to have a Birkin bag to keep your sadness in.…

9 minutes
Be A Great Negotiator

How To Be Resilient: 4 Steps To Happiness When Life Gets Hard

The pandemic still isn’t over. Life still isn’t back to normal. And that means a lot of us are still on edge. Frustrated. Disgruntled. At times, we’re downright angry. And that saps our resilience. Our ability to cope and live a good life. Dealing with anger is difficult because, frankly, we…

10 minutes
Be Happier

This Is How To Rewire Your Brain For Happiness: 4 Secrets From Research

Someone compliments you and you think, "They don't mean it." Something good happens and you hear, "I don't deserve this." You're meeting new people and it's, "They won't like me." And you usually accept those words because they're coming from inside your head. It's like the horror movie where the calls…

11 minutes
Be Happier

This is How To Find Happiness: 6 Proven Secrets From Research

all want to know how to find happiness. And the internet is chock full of advice on how to get there -- but most of it is based on studies done on a bunch of college sophomores. Maybe, just maybe, we shouldn't trust our 19 year-old selves when it comes to the most important thing in life... So what produces happiness all around the world, among people young and old, across the most varied backgrounds imaginable? I figured I'd call an…

11 minutes
Be Happier

How To Find Happiness: 3 Secrets From Research

u've probably read a lot of stuff on the internet about how to find happiness... but you're still not jumping for joy. Some of the tips feel corny... so you don't actually do them. Others stop working after a while so you stop following through. What gives? Isn't there a solution that really works and keeps working? I'm with you. I want answers. Who has them? Sonja does. So I gave her a call. Sonja Lyubomirsky is a professor at University of California at…

7 minutes
Be Happier

How To Use Time Travel To Increase Happiness

ytime you need to be happier, just do some time travel. It's that simple. I know what you're thinking: He's finally gone insane. No, I'm not crazy. And you don't need a time machine. You're just going to use your imagination. But scientific research shows this is a great way to immediately increase happiness. You can do it anywhere and it doesn’t cost anything. Research shows happiness is all about where you put your attention. And shifting your attention to the past, the future…

6 minutes
Be Happier

The One Word Key To Happiness

all want to be happy. That's obvious. But how much would people pay for a moment of happiness? Researchers did a survey -- and the answer was about $80. Other than pure love and dodging discomfort, people were willing to pay the most for happiness. Via The Upside of Your Dark Side: $ 44.30 for calm tranquility, $ 62.80 for excitement, $ 79.06 for happiness, $ 83.27 to avoid fear, $ 92.80 to avoid sadness, $ 99.81 to avoid embarrassment, $ 106.26…

9 minutes
Be Happier

How To Find Happiness In Today’s Hectic World

ying to find happiness in a world so busy and complicated can seem impossible. What's weird is that in so many ways our lives are objectively better than our grandparents' lives were. We have more... yet we often feel worse. Don't you wonder if life was happier when it was simpler? I do. Who has the explanation for this? And more importantly, who has answers on how to fix it? I don't. But I know someone who does. So I gave Barry Schwartz a call. He's…

10 minutes

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