Category: Have Great Relationships

Be Sexier

Is life better for beautiful people?

many ways, yes: "beautiful people are likely to be happier, earn more money, get a bank loan with a lower interest rate and marry a good-looking and highly educated spouse." From a piece in the Sydney Morning Herald covering the new book Beauty Pays: Why Attractive People Are More Successful by noted economist Daniel Hamermesh: In his book, Hamermesh concludes that better-looking employees are more productive, leading to higher sales and potentially higher profit. The book also shows how society…

1 min read
Have A Great Family

Is nepotism more common than you think?

om a post by Miles Corak, via the Twitter feed of Tim Harford, author of the excellent book "Adapt: Why Success Always Starts with Failure": The bottom line is that about 40% of us have at some point worked for exactly the same firm that at some point also employed our fathers. But if dad’s earnings put him in the top 25% these chances are above average, they start taking off if dad was in the top 5%, and reach…

1 min read
Be Sexier

The Easiest Way To Make Yourself More Attractive

en you're facing someone, smile: Few studies have investigated how physical and social facial cues are integrated in the formation of face preferences. Here we show that expression differentially qualifies the strength of attractiveness preferences for faces with direct and averted gaze. For judgments of faces with direct gaze, attractiveness preferences were stronger for smiling faces than for faces with neutral expressions. By contrast, for judgments of faces with averted gaze, attractiveness preferences were stronger for faces with neutral expressions…

1 min read
Be Sexier

Are better NFL quarterbacks better looking?

s. They asked women who didn't know anything about football to rate how handsome NFL quarterbacks were. The guys who were great on the field also received the highest marks for looks. Via Gad Saad, author of The Consuming Instinct: What Juicy Burgers, Ferraris, Pornography, and Gift Giving Reveal About Human Nature: Kevin M. Williams, Justin H. Park, and Martijn B. Wieling recently published a paper in Personality and Individual Differences in which they explored this exact issue using NFL…

1 min read
Be Sexier

How To Make A Girl Fall In Love With You

w To Make A Girl Fall In Love With You So the title is "How To Make A Girl Fall In Love With You" but this actually works for men or women. Stare into their eyes. Yup, that's it. It dramatically increases the chances of love: In two studies, subjects induced to exchange mutual unbroken gaze for 2 min with a stranger of the opposite sex reported increased feelings of passionate love for each other. In Study I, 96 subjects were…

2 minutes
Have Great Friends

Does Facebook increase or decrease the amount of real social support you get?

big increase. From ABC: Defying some of the stereotypes of the digital age, social scientists say Facebook may actually be healthy for us. Keith Hampton at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania wrote a report for the Pew Research Center in which he found that "Internet users in general, but Facebook users even more so, have more close relationships than other people." "Facebook users get more overall social support, and in particular they report more…

1 min read
Have Great Relationships

Does reading fiction make us nicer?

s. Reading fiction makes us more likely to do kind things for others: Theorists from diverse disciplines purport narrative fiction serves to foster empathic development and growth. In two studies, participants’ subjective, behavioral, and perceptual responses were observed after reading a short fictional story. In study 1, participants who were more transported into the story exhibited higher affective empathy and were more likely to engage in prosocial behavior. In study 2, reading-induced affective empathy was related to greater bias toward…

1 min read
Have An Awesome Marriage

Is there a connection between love and delusion?

ople with positive illusions about their relationship are more satisfied, score higher on love and trust and have fewer problems: It is proposed that satisfying, stable relationships reflect intimates' ability to see imperfect relationships in somewhat idealized ways-to make a leap of faith. Both members of dating and married couples completed a measure of relationship illusions, tapping idealized perceptions of the partners' attributes, exaggerated perceptions of control, and unrealistic optimism. Results of concurrent analyses revealed that relationship illusions predicted greater…

2 minutes

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