hy is it that whenever someone says, "face the facts" you know you're about to hear something you don't want to hear? Probably because of a second cliche: "The truth hurts." Nobody recommends denial -- but nobody recommends procrastination, either. And we're all prone to both. Denial is existential procrastination.…
ou and I are not the first people to wonder, “How can I live a happier, more fulfilling life?" Not by a long shot. Stoicism and Buddhism are both a few thousand years old and I write about them a fair amount because both have core elements that have been…
sychological research shows people overestimate themselves in nearly every arena -- including modesty. Which raises an interesting question... What's the one thing almost everyone will cop to being utterly dismal at? Self-control. From Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength: Ask people to name their greatest personal strengths, and they’ll often credit themselves with…
ometimes life sucks. Bad. Really bad. And you feel like you want a refund. But, of course, we need to accept that Life Avenue is going to have its share of potholes. Albert Ellis, one of the most influential psychologists ever, knew that "acceptance" is key to coping with the…
ometimes it feels like the world is actively conspiring against your happiness. Now before you start folding your tin foil hat, let me say that you might not be paranoid... Right now there are a record number of people on antidepressants. So many that even if you're not taking antidepressants, well...…
'll bet you're not getting enough sleep. Honestly, I'm kind of cheating -- it's a pretty safe bet. From Why We Sleep: Two-thirds of adults throughout all developed nations fail to obtain the recommended eight hours of nightly sleep. And that's bad. Really bad... Yes, this is the part where I lecture…
orget pandas. Close friends are the real endangered species these days. That's a painful thing. And I don't mean "sad-painful." I mean "broken-arm-painful." At least that's how your brain sees it. Your grey matter experiences social pain the exact same way it does physical pain. So much so that Tylenol actually…
elationships are important. Like, more-important-than-Vitamin-C important. Scurvy is no fun but a lack of relationships might kill you faster. From The Relationship Cure: A study of people living in Alameda County, California, for example, showed that people who had close friendships and marriages lived longer than those who didn’t. This…
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