Potentially a lot. A piece in the LA Times covers a lot of research related to how birth month affects who we are.
Winter births (Born Dec. 22 to March 20):
- More likely to be obese.
- Winter babies under 45 were more likely to be novelty-seekers. Oddly, those over 45 were less likely to chase the new.
- More likely to develop schizophrenia. Impressively, this has been confirmed in more than 200 studies.
Spring births (Born March 21 to June 21)
- They’re more likely to be tall.
- More likely to suffer from Multiple Sclerosis.
Summer births (Born June 22 to Sept. 22)
- More likely to be night owls.
- More likely to be lefties
- More like to have Type 1 Diabetes.
Fall births (Born Sept. 23 to Dec. 21)
- More likely to live longer.
- More likely to have food allergies.
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