Top Ten Posts for 2012:



1) What 10 things should you do every day to improve your life?

I’ve posted a lot on this blog about improving your life. All the info can be overwhelming. When you distill it all down, what advice should you really act on?


2) 10 ways science explains why James Bond is so irresistible to women

There’s a reason why Bond has the power he does – and most guys could learn a thing or two… or ten.


3) Were we meant to sleep in two chunks?

It used to be the norm. And some research indicates it might be our natural state.


4) Is there a shortcut to bonding with a romantic partner on a deeper level?

It’s just a matter of asking the right questions… and here are the right questions.


5) Which professions have the most psychopaths? The fewest?

I’m not hanging out with lawyers anymore, just nurses and beauticians.


6) Here are the things that are proven to make you happier

If you’re only going to read one thing on being happier, here it is.


7) What does it take to become an expert at anything?

In 95% of cases natural talent does not determine who will be an expert at something. So what does it take to become the best? Here’s the answer.


8) What 6 rules should be guiding your career?

Dan Pink’s Johnny Bunko is one of the best career guides out there. But does research prove that you should trust it with your future? Yes.


9) Why aren’t you doing what really makes you happy?

Did you read the earlier happiness post? Yeah? Are you doing that stuff? No? Here’s why — and what you need to do to get yourself to do the things you need to do.


10) What’s the secret to amazing naps?

Optimal nap duration is 10 minutes, believe it or not. And they’re not just fun — here’s how they can make you more productive.


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