How can you tell who is a thrill-seeker?


Shake their hand:

Sensation seeking denotes the tendency to seek novel, varied, complex, and intense sensations and experiences, and describes the willingness to take risks for the sake of such experiences. Some studies have demonstrated correlates of both circulating and prenatal testosterone with sensation seeking. Hand-grip strength (as a measure of overall muscular strength) is also known to show associations with measures of circulating testosterone, and certain physical and behavioural characteristics, particularly in men. This study examines the possible relationship between hand-grip strength and sensation seeking, assessed via the Sensation Seeking Scale Form V (SSS-V) in 117 males aged 18–30 years. A positive and significant correlation was found between hand-grip strength and SSS-V total score and thrill and adventure seeking (TAS) after controlling for weight, height, and engagement with sporting activities. We discuss our findings with reference to other studies reporting associations between biological and personality characteristics.

Source: “Hand-grip strength and sensation seeking” from Personality and Individual Differences, Volume 49, Issue 7, November 2010, Pages 789-793

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