In four experiments, we tested the existence of an ideal facial feature arrangement that could optimize the attractiveness of any face given its facial features. Participants made paired comparisons of attractive- ness between faces with identical facial features but different eye–mouth distances and different inter- ocular distances. We found that although different faces have varying attractiveness, individual attractiveness is optimized when the face’s vertical distance between the eyes and the mouth is approximately 36% of its length, and the horizontal distance between the eyes is approximately 46% of the face’s width. These ‘‘new” golden ratios match those of an average face.
Source: “New ‘‘golden” ratios for facial beauty” from Vision Research, Volume 50, Issue 2, 25 January 2010, Pages 149-154
That final sentence is interesting — and misleading. The most attractive face is the mathematical average, not normal-person-on-the-street definition of average. If yesterday was 100 degrees and today it’s 50 degrees, the average is 75 — even though neither day got anywhere near that temperature. They’re not saying these proportions are at all common. If they were, you’d be living in a Hollywood movie. Or maybe just Los Angeles.
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