Huh? Set goals? Why?
How do you set goals?
What are the first steps in moving toward your goals?
- Don’t look at goals like a death march. Putting some time into making them fun is both more enjoyable and more effective.
How do I keep going and not give up?
- The secret to avoiding goal-induced stress is more planning. This reduces random factors that can throw a wrench into things and knock you off course.
What are 5 things that make achieving goals easier?
- Make a step-by-step plan.
- Tell other people about your goal.
- Think about the good things that will happen if you achieve your goal.
- Reward yourself for making progress toward your goal.
- Record your progress (e.g., in a journal or on a chart).
What are 5 things that don’t work when it comes to goals?
- Motivate yourself by focusing on someone that you admire for achieving so much (e.g., a celebrity role model or great leader).
- Think about the bad things that will happen if you don’t achieve your goal.
- Try to suppress unhelpful thoughts (e.g., avoid thinking about eating unhealthy food or smoking).
- Rely on willpower.
- Fantasize about how great your life will be when you achieve my goal.
More tips here.
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