Via Buy Ketchup in May and Fly at Noon: A Guide to the Best Time to Buy This, Do That and Go There”:
- Best time to have surgery: Morning (4x less likely to have complications in the morning than between 3-4PM)
- Best time to get a human being on the phone when calling a company’s customer service line: As early as possible (lowest call volume)
- Best day of the week to eat dinner out: Tuesday (freshest food, no crowds)
- Best day to fly: Saturday (fewer flights means fewer delays, shorter lines, less stress)
- Best time to fly: Noon (varies but pilots say airport rush hours coincide with workday rush hours)
- Best time to exercise: 6-8PM (body temp highest, peak time for strength and flexibility)
- Best time to have sex: 10PM-1AM (skin sensitivity is highest in late evening)
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